Catalog excerpts

CAD /CAM SYSTEMS | INSTRUMENTS | HYGIENE SYSTEMS | TREATMENT CENTERS | IMAGING SYSTEMS PerioScan – the gentle prophylaxis competence Fear turns into satisfaction.
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Gentle prophylaxis “Prophylaxis without pain? That is great!” Wouldn’t it be nice if patients came to you without fear? Unfortunately, often the opposite holds true. One of the reasons: fear of pain. PerioScan will put an end to this. Our prophylaxis profes ional s provides precise work through controlled oscillations, and causes hardly any pain. A necessary appointment will turn into a wellness visit and you can be sure of the following: Your treatment procedure will not change – and your patients will love it. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. 02 | 03 02 | 03
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Tip and signal ring Ensure positive moves. Healthy teeth and happiness: Due to its controlled oscillations, Sirona’s prophylaxis professional will cause your patients virtually no pain. It is gentle on the gums and tooth surface; in short: gentle, precise technology. Thanks to linear oscillations on the tooth surface there is practically no more pain. A light at the end of the tunnel for healthy teeth. Detection that provides satisfaction: PerioScan will inform you right during the treatment of the location of calculus – optically, and if desired, also via an acoustic signal. So that you...
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Patient communication system How to take care of your patient relationships. Fear is caused by insecurity. The right counseling, however, creates trust. With PerioScan your patients will understand treatment procedures easily and quickly. The display enables you to show what is going on in the patient’s mouth. You can also activate an acoustic signal for the detection of calculus. This way your patient will know at any given time what you are currently doing and be informed about the positive progress of the treatment. Virtually pain-free way to satisfaction Healthier, signal by signal Tell...
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Areas of Application More than virtually pain-free prophylaxis: Your new all-rounder. PerioScan doesn’t just satisfy your patients. It will also make you feel comfortable since the all-in-one solution offers a range of different application possibilities for your practice. And that is not all – due to its small size and light weight, PerioScan can be used wherever you need it. Scaling Periodontology Implantology Endodontics Retrograde root treatment Micropreparation Filling therapy Sirona offers a number of tip variations for all the steps of a thorough, gentle and longlasting supragingival...
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LED Overview Perfect sight with natural light PerioScan – your advantages in your practice. For several decades, Sirona has stood for prophylaxis competence. The result: a treatment instrument that is completely adapted to a dentist’s needs and desires. This is because the intelligent mode of operation of PerioScan guarantees an effortless integration into your daily routine. Great that you can now rely on this device every day. PerioScan offers even more Our device leads to satisfaction. A promise that now applies to you as well as to your patients: n n n n n n Controlled oscillations for...
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Subject to technical changes and errors in the text, Order No. A91100-M45-A839-01-7600, Printed in Germany, Dispo-No. 04603, JP10-253 WS 03115.V0 C AD / C AM SYSTEMS | INSTRUMENTS | HYGIENE SYSTEMS | TRE ATMENT CENTERS | IMAGING SYSTEMS Sirona – unique worldwide systems expertise in dental equipment products Sirona develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of dental equipment, including CAD/CAM Systems for dental practices (CEREC) and laboratories (inLab), Instruments and Hygiene Systems, Treatment Centers and Imaging Systems. Sirona manufactures high technology products that...
Open the catalog to page 7All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
SiroLaser Blue
7 Pages
SiroLaser Advance Plus
7 Pages
T4 instrument series
4 Pages
T1, T2 and T3
13 Pages
Atlantis cement-retained
6 Pages
17 Pages
Sirona Hub
4 Pages
3 Pages
112 Pages
Narrow implants
1 Pages
inCoris CC blocks
1 Pages
Order form inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
CEREC Zirconia Blocs
1 Pages
inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
Zirconia, simply faster
2 Pages
The 2D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
3D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
11 Pages
Brochure INTEGO
13 Pages
The 3D x-ray family
11 Pages
inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
22 Pages
Sirona Connect.
13 Pages
pdf SIROLaser Advance
12 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Sirona CAD/CAM materials
6 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Treatment unit C8+
6 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages
SIROLaser Brochure
5 Pages
Inlab System
5 Pages
Sirona General Catalogue
20 Pages
25 Pages
Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
21 Pages