Catalog excerpts

Would you like further information about the Sirona product portfolio? Detailed information material is available for all the products described in this brochure. To place orders, please use this fax reply form or contact us by phone or e-mail. Yes, I’m interested in finding out more about the Sirona product portfolio. Please send me detailed information about: Product category Product name Personal details Treatment centers Name, first name Instruments Company Hygiene systems Address Imaging systems City, postcode CEREC Tel. /Fax Subject to technical changes and errors in the text, Order No.A91100-M4-A815-01-7600, Printed in Germany, Dis po No. 04600, JP11-188 WS 10111. V4 CAD / CAM Systems | Instruments | HYGIENE SYSTEMS | TREATMENT CENTERS | IMAGING SYSTEMS CAD /CAM SYSTEMS | INSTRUMENTS | HYGIENE SYSTEMS | TREATMENT CENTERS | IMAGING SYSTEMS inLab E-mail I would like to arrange a meeting with an authorized Sirona dealer. My authorized Sirona dealer The Sirona product portfolio at a glance Sirona – unique worldwide systems expertise in dental equipment products Sirona develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of dental equipment, including CAD/CAM Systems for dental practices (CEREC) and laboratories (inLab), Instruments and Hygiene Systems, Treatment Centers and Imaging Systems. Sirona manufactures high technology products that guarantee ease of use and a high return on investment – for the good of your practice and for the benefit of your patients. In this way, you can approach every challenge you face with confidence. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Everything you need for a great day. Sirona Dental Systems Tel.: +49 6251/16-0 · Fax: +49 6251/16-2591 · E-mail: contact@sirona.com · www.sirona.com T h e D e n t a l C o m p a n y T h e D e n t a l C o m p a n y
Open the catalog to page 1
Sirona in the dental practice Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Sirona equipment is professionally engineered to deliver optimum ergonomics and workflow efficiency. By ensuring your comfort, Sirona enhances your ability to deliver exceptional care while giving your patients your undivided attention. You and your patients are more relaxed, and you can be confident meeting the new challenges every day brings. 02 | 03
Open the catalog to page 2
Product overview Our products are designed to help you face the new challenges every day brings. Sirona sets the pace for new technology and trends in the dental equipment market; consistently raising industry standards for quality, functionality, and ease-of-use. Treatment centers Instruments and hygiene systems Imaging systems Your visiting card. Comfort and convenience at your fingertips. Seeing things you’ve never seen before. Page 6 Page 12 Page 20 CAD/CAM systems – CEREC CAD/CAM systems – inLab From vision to reality. Stepping stones to success. Page 28 Page 34 04 | 05
Open the catalog to page 3
Treatment centers The Face of Your Practice. The benefits of Sirona’s Ergonomics Program are evident in our TENEO, M1+, SINIUS or sophisticated C+ models – each promotes an ergonomically correct sitting position for you and your patient. Because everything revolves around the patient’s mouth, you can easily achieve optimum visibility without the fatigue of constant twisting and turning. Your patient feels comfortable and secure, and so do you – knowing your healthy posture will enable you to thrive in your profession for years to come. 06 | 07
Open the catalog to page 4
Treatment centers High-end models with the unique motor-driven parallel track. TENEO – simplicity redefined M1+ – the premium classic SINIUS – the new class in efficiency C3 + – the whip-arm unit C4 + – the sliding track unit C5 + – the OTP unit This innovative treatment center is based on the dependable, classic Sirona functions: the motor-driven and programmable parallel track and the enhanced flexible positionability of the assistant element. Stability and high load capacity are achieved via the new elevation system. The user-friendly M1+ is the outcome of i ntensive cooperation be...
Open the catalog to page 5
Treatment centers Treatment centers – tailored to individual work styles. Efficient communication and counseling. C8 + – quality plus flexibility HUGO – the intelligent working stool for your practice Simulation workstations – practice-oriented training SIVISION 3 – the modular chairside patient communication system SIROCAM 3 The modular design concept enables dentists to upgrade the C8+ treatment center in line with changing requirements. This results in greater flexibility and a sound long-term investment – without any compromises in terms of ergonomics and aesthetics. HUGO, the working...
Open the catalog to page 6
Instruments and hygiene systems Comfort and convenience at your fingertips. Perfect ergonomics, outstanding durability and maximum clinical r eliability – these are the defining characteristics of the Sirona handpieces and nstruments. They are geared to a complete spectrum of indications. i In the area of cavity preparation, you can treat all five cavity classes a ccording to Black. In the area of endodontics, our portfolio includes contra-angle handpieces, ultrasonic scalers (plus matching tips), as well as versatile diode lasers. These products cater for every treatment step – from...
Open the catalog to page 7
Instruments and hygiene systems Equipment – versatility and specialization combined. SIROBoost, T1, T2, T3 – high-speed handpieces to suit every individual demand SIROPure straight and contra-angle handpieces – a unique concept provides perfect ergonomics n Standard or mini-head – the choice is yours! n Two interfaces are available: The ISO/INTRAmatic Lux interface for all popular micromotors or the Sirona interface for operation with the Sirona SL/BL motor SIROPure high-speed handpieces – high power for any application n 3 different head versions are available: CONTROL, Racer and mini n...
Open the catalog to page 8
Instruments and hygiene systems Equipment – versatility and specialization combined. SIRONiTi Apex/SIRONiTi Air+ APEX – endodontics made quick and efficient SIROEndo Pocket – the mobile endodontic unit SIROLaser Advance and SIROLaser Xtend – inspired by intuition PerioScan – the gentle prophylaxis competence The SIRONiTi Apex and SIRONiTi Air+ APEX contra-angle handpieces enable safe and efficient preparation of the root canal. Both of them are equipped with a five-step torque control limiter and the added Torque Cards indicate the torque step suitable for each particular file of the...
Open the catalog to page 9All Dentsply Sirona catalogs and technical brochures
SiroLaser Blue
7 Pages
SiroLaser Advance Plus
7 Pages
T4 instrument series
4 Pages
T1, T2 and T3
13 Pages
Atlantis cement-retained
6 Pages
17 Pages
Sirona Hub
4 Pages
3 Pages
112 Pages
Narrow implants
1 Pages
inCoris CC blocks
1 Pages
Order form inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
CEREC Zirconia Blocs
1 Pages
inCoris Blocs
1 Pages
Zirconia, simply faster
2 Pages
The 2D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
3D X-Ray Family
19 Pages
11 Pages
Brochure INTEGO
13 Pages
The 3D x-ray family
11 Pages
inLab 2014. Product Catalogue
22 Pages
Sirona Connect.
13 Pages
pdf SIROLaser Advance
12 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
Sirona CAD/CAM materials
6 Pages
15 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
7 Pages
10 Pages
5 Pages
11 Pages
17 Pages
Treatment unit C8+
6 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
3 Pages
12 Pages
SIROLaser Brochure
5 Pages
Perioscan brochure
7 Pages
Inlab System
5 Pages
25 Pages
Archived catalogs
Info File Infection Control
21 Pages