

Catalog excerpts

Epoca - 1

0X6.000.959_AB_0X6.000.959_AB 28.09.09 10:41 Seite 2 Epoca Shoulder Arthroplasty System. Anatomic reconstruction of the proximal humerus. Resurfacing Head (RH) Stem for degenerative cases Stem for fractures Reco Glenoid

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Epoca - 2

0X6.000.959_AB_0X6.000.959_AB 28.09.09 10:41 Seite 3 Epoca Shoulder Arthroplasty System. Anatomic reconstruction of the proximal humerus. RH Resurfacing Head Stem for Fractures and Degenerative Conditions Head – Height proportional to radius – Anatomic design – Can be adjusted for medial and posterior fit – TiNb coated version for nickel sensitive patients Stem The Epoca resurfacing head is intended for minimally invasive treatment of early stage arthritis or other arthropathies with cartilage damage. – Thin surface allows for minimum bone removal – Anatomic reconstruction of articulating...

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Epoca - 3

0X6.000.959_AB_0X6.000.959_AB 28.09.09 10:41 Seite 4 Glenoid Reco Glenoid The Epoca shoulder prosthesis is intended for use as a hemi- or total shoulder replacement – Ensures congruent glenohumeral implant surfaces to achieve normal range of motion – Reduced size and beveled rim for normal mobility and reduced risk of impingement – Hybrid application with shell screws – Cementless application with metalback glenoid The Epoca Reco glenoid reconstruction device is intended to reestablish a stable fulcrum in order to prevent anterosuperior subluxation of the humeral head. Eccenter Disc –...

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Epoca - 4

0X6.000.959_AB_0X6.000.959_AB 28.09.09 10:41 Seite 1 Epoca Shoulder Arthroplasty System. Anatomic reconstruction of the proximal humerus. Product Matrix Degenerative conditions Early Severe Fractures Rotator cuff Stem Resurfacing Head Glenoid Synthes and Epoca are trademarks of Synthes, Inc. or its affiliates Reco Glenoid Please consult the following Technique Guides for detailed information on the surgical technique and ordering information for the Epoca Shoulder Arthroplasty System and its components: 036.000.823 General Shoulder Instruments 036.000.823 General Shoulder Instruments...

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