Catalog excerpts

Start getting fast, accurate results today! LATERAL FLOW READER Rapid diagnostics system capable of high-precision strip detection. Store over 2,000 results on the reader. Custom software branding and distributor options. Securely transfer results to the cloud data manager instantly. Customizable cassette inserts. The RDS-2500 reader is a handheld, portable instrument for rapid laboratory diagnositcs and field-based testing of lateral flow ammunoassay tests. This fully quantitative reader features a highly customizable cartridge port and detection algorithms to accommodate a wide variety of industry standard test strips and assay configurations. MEDICINE FOOD SAFETY INFECTIOUS DISEASES WATER QUALITY Modern, simplistic UI. Results in 5 seconds. ORDER ONLINE: idetekt.com/products
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Technical Specifications OPTICS Colorimetric Detection Internal Calibration with Standards Multi-spectral CMOS DISPLAY HOUSING 4.3” Touchscreen with On-Screen Keyboard & HapticFeedback Customizable for Different Cassettes 21 x 10 x 10cm Customizable GUI 1.1 lbs Windows 7 and Above 1GHz ARM Cortex A-9 512MB DDR3L Store >2000 tests Wi-Fi and USB Lithium-Ion Battery Wall Adapters GREATER TEST STRIP COMPATIBILITY Unit can accept single-strip or multi-strip cartridges with multiple lines or reaction zones per strip. OFF-THE-SHELF TESTING READY Test setup is a breeze with our quick setup wizard....
Open the catalog to page 2All Detekt Biomedical LLC catalogs and technical brochures
detekt Design group
1 Pages
RDS-2500 Product Guide
25 Pages