Catalog excerpts

Micro Surgery Mikrochirurgie Micro Cirugia
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DEWIMED' SMART INNOVATION Index Micro Cirugia Tubo Aspirador STANZEN / BIOPSIE-INSTRUMENTE Punches / Biopsy Instruments 39 - 48 Pinzas / instrumental de Biopsia LOYO / BUCHFELDER INSTRUMENTE LOYO / BUCHFELDER Instruments 49 - 66 LOYO / BUCHFELDER instrumental MICRO INSTRUMENTE Micro- instruments 67 - 73 DEWI- STREAM INSTRUMENTE DEWI- STREAM Instruments 74 - 84 Technische Anderungen vorbehalten. Kein Teil des Kataloges darf in irgendeiner Form ohne schriftliche Genehmigung unseres Hauses reproduziert, vervielfaltigt oder verbreitet werden. We reserve the right to make...
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MIKROCHIRURGIE Micro Surgery Micro Cirugia 08.340.11 10,5 cm Iris Schere gerade, sp/sp scissor straight, sh/sh tijera para iris rec, ag/ag 08.341.11 10,5 cm Iris Schere gebogen, sp/sp scissor curved, sh/sn tijera para iris curva, ag/ag 08.362.11 11 cm STEVENS Tenotomie-Schere gerade, st/st STEVENS tenotomy scissors, straight bl/bl stevens tijera tenotomia, recta r/r STEVENS Tenotomie-Schere gebogen, st/st STEVENS tenotomy scissors, curved bl/bl stevens tijera tenotomia, curva r/r 10.176.12 12 cm ADSON micro Pinzette gerieft ADSON micro forceps serrated ADSON micro pinza estriada 10.186.12...
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DEWIMED'SMART INNOVATION 10.188.12 12. m ADSON BROWN Pinzette 7x7 Zahne ADSON BROWN forceps 7x7 teeth ADSON BROWN pinza 7x7 dientes 12.220.12 12,5 cm HALSTED Mosquito Klemme, gerade HALSTED mosquito forceps, straight HALSTED mosquito pinza, recta 12.221.12 12,5 cm HALSTED Mosquito Klemme, gebogen HALSTED mosquito forceps, curved HALSTED mosquito pinza, curva 18.210.12 12 cm GRAEFE Hakchen (Iris) scharf GRAEFE hooklet (iris) sharp GRAEFE ganchito (iris) agudo 18.211.12 12 cm GRAEFE Hakchen (Iris) stumpf GRAEFE hooklet (iris) blunt GRAEFE ganchito (iris) romo 18.212.01 13 cm GUTHRIE...
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MIKROCHIRURGIE Micro Surgery Micro Cirugía 18.214.13 13 cm FRAZIER Häkchen (Dura) scharf FRAZIER hooklet (dura) sharp FRAZIER ganchito(duramad)agudo 18.216.01 16 cm JOSEPH Schleimhauthäkchen, 1 Zahn JOSEPH mucous hooklet, 1 prong JOSEPH ganchito mucosa, 1 garfio 18.216.02 16 cm/2 mm JOSEPH Schleimhauthäkchen, 2 Zähne JOSEPH mucous hooklet, 2 prongs JOSEPH ganchito mucosa, 2 garfios 18.216.05 16 cm/5 mm JOSEPH Schleimhauthäkchen, 2 Zähne JOSEPH mucous hooklet, 2 prongs JOSEPH ganchito mucosa, 2 garfios 18.216.07 16 cm/7 mm JOSEPH Schleimhauthäkchen, 2 Zähne JOSEPH mucous hooklet, 2 prongs...
Open the catalog to page 5
DEWIMED’ SMART INNOVATION 18.504.13 13 5 cm MANNERFELDT Hakchen scharf, modifiziert <~- MANNERFELDT hooklet sharp, modified MANNERFELDT gancho agudo, modificado 18.506.15 15,5 cm MANNERFELDT Hakchen scharf, modifiziert MANNERFELDT hooklet sharp, modified MANNERFELDT gancho agudo, modificado 18.508.15 15,5 cm MANNERFELDT Hakchen scharf, modifiziert MANNERFELDT hooklet sharp, modified MANNERFELDT gancho agudo, modificado 18.512.02 15,5 cm MANNERFELDT Haken eng, scharf, 2 Zahne MANNERFELDT rectractor narrow, sharp, 2 prongs MANNERFELDT separador estrecho, agudo, 2 garfios 18.512.03 15,5 cm...
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MIKROCHIRURGIE Micro Surgery Micro Cirugfa 18.656.13 13 cm MILLIGAN Wundsperrer, stumpf, 3x3 Zahne MILLIGAN retractor, blunt, 3x3 prongs MILLIGAN separador, romo, 3x3 dientes 18.656.15 15 cm WIEGAND Wundsperrer, 3 Zahne links WIEGAND retractor, 3 teeth left WIEGAND separador, 3 dientes izquierdo 18.657.11 11 cm PLESTER Wundsperrer, stumpf, 2 Zahne rechts PLESTER retractor, blunt, 2 teeth right PLESTER separador, romo, 2 dientes derecho 24.160.15 15 cm CRILE WOOD Nadelhalter CRILE WOOD needleholder CRILE WOOD porta aguja 24.160.18 18 cm CRILE WOOD Nadelhalter CRILE WOOD needleholder CRILE...
Open the catalog to page 7
DEWIMED’SMART INNOVATION 32.217.18 18 cm RUSKIN Hohlmeisselzange, gebogen RUSKIN rongeur, curved RUSKIN pinza gubia, curva 32.219.23 23 cm RUSKIN Hohlmeisselzange RUSKIN rongeur RUSKIN pinza gubia 32.230.22 22 cm STILLE LUER Hohlmeisselzange, gerade STILLE LUER rongeur, straight STILLE LUER pinza gubia, recta 32.231.22 22 cm STILLE LUER Hohlmeisselzange, gebogen STILLE LUER rongeur, curved STILLE LUER pza.gubia, curva 32.235.23 23 cm STILLE LUER Hohlmeisselzange STILLE LUER rongeur STILLE LUER pinza gubia 32.274.14 14 cm LISTON Knochensplitter Zange LISTON bone cutting forceps LISTON pinza...
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32.289.18 18,5 cm RUSKIN LISTON Knochensplitterzange RUSKIN LISTON bone cutting forceps RUSKIN LISTON pinza cortante por hueso 32.290.27 27 cm STILLE LISTON Knochensplitterzange STILLE LISTON bone cutting forceps STILLE LISTON pinza cortante por hueso 32.476.98 23 cm BRUNS scharfer Loffel, oval,Fig. 00 BRUNS bone curette, oval, fig. 00 BRUNS cuchilla cortante, oval, fig, 00 32.477.00 23 cm BRUNS scharfer Loffel, oval, Fig. 0 BRUNS bone curette, oval, fig. 0 BRUNS cuchilla cortante, oval, fig. 0 32.477.01 23 cm BRUNS scharfer Loffel, oval, Fig. 1 BRUNS bone curette, oval,fig. 1 BRUNS...
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32.477.03 23 cm BRUNS scharfer Löffel, oval, Fig. 3 BRUNS bone curette, oval, fig. 3 BRUNS cuchilla cortante, oval, fig. 3 32.650.06 24 cm/6,5 mm 32.650.15 24 cm/15 mm 32.650.20 24 cm/20 mm LAMBOTTE Osteotom, gerade LAMBOTTE osteotome, straight LAMBOTTE osteotomo, recta 32.651.06 23 cm/6,5 mm 32.651.15 23 cm/15 mm 32.651.20 23 cm/20 mm LAMBOTTE Osteotom, gebogen LAMBOTTE osteotome, curved LAMBOTTE osteotomo, curva
Open the catalog to page 10
MIKROCHIRURGIE Micro Surgery Micro Cirugia McKENZIE40.011.15 15 cm 40.011.19 19 cm Clip-Anlegezange Clip Applying Forceps Pinza para Orapas McKENZIE 40.013.15 15 cm 40.013.19 19 cm Clip-Anlegezange Clip Applying Forceps Pinza para Orapas SMITHWICK 40.015.23 23 cm 40.015.26 26 cm Clip-Anlegezange Clip Applying Forceps Pinza para Orapas SWEET 40.017.23 23 cm 40.017.26 26 cm Clip-Anlegezange Clip Applying Forceps Pinza para Orapas OLIVECRONA TOENNIS40.019.14 14 cm Clip Zange Clip Forcep Pinza Orapa
Open the catalog to page 11
Klammerblock 1 reihig Clip carrier with 1 holder Porta grapas con 1 riel .. Schadelhalter klein Traction tongs small Tractor cranial pequeño .. Schadelhalter groß Traction tongs big Tractor cranial grande
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Archived catalogs
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