Catalog excerpts

Easy workflow in 8 steps Check system 44 cooled reagent positions up to 4 buffers up to 8 controls / calibrators barcoded reagents Check consumables AUTOMATED COAGULATION INSTRUMENT Measurement modes Photometry Turbidimetry Nephelometry 300 PT/hour*, 170 PT + APTT tests/hour* Sample handling 150 blood collection tubes in 15 racks Reagent entry Barcode reader or manual entry Handling of STAT samples Storage of more than 1,000,000 measurement data and associated curves 6 USB Interface, network interface Operating platform 17 inch colour touchscreen Electricity network Network fuse up to 1000 cuvettes liquid level sensors stock alerts Check calibration autocalibration master calibration curves (barcode) multiple calibration storage AUTOMATED COAGULOMETER *measured using Diagon PT-Recombinant test Run QC random access Levey-Jennings chart SOUTH AMERICA Diagon Ltda - Brasil Av. Joaquim José Diniz, 787 CEP 31910-520 Bairro Fernão Dias Belo Horizonte/MG phone: (+55 31) 3488 6777 fax: (+55 31) 3488 6778 e-mail: diagon@diagon.com.br www.diagon.com.br PT Inti Diagontama Selaras - Indonesia Perkantoran Plaza Pasifik A3/59 Jl. Raya Boulevard Barat Kelapa Gading Permal Jakarta 14250 phone.: (+62 21) 458 40649, 458 40650 fax: (+62 21) 458 45024 e-mail: dsu@centrin.net.id Diagon Ltd - Hungary 1047 Budapest, Baross u. 48 - 52. phone.: (+36 1) 369 6500 fax: (+36 1) 369 6301 e-mail: diagon@diagon.com Diagon GmbH – Austria GZO – Zukunftsweg 1. Siegendorf, Burgenland 7011 phone: (+43 2687) 42090 e-mail: diagongmbh@diagon.com www.diagon.com auto control setup up to 300 PT/hour* and 170 PT + APTT tests/hour* coagulation, immunology and chromogenic as
Open the catalog to page 1
Load samples 150 samples 15 rack positions sensor controlled area 8 STAT samples UNIQUE FEATURES 8 independent dual-wavelength measuring channels Request tests worklist continuous random access principle random access complete test panel easy to operate low in maintenance cap piercing sampling technology 24/7 remote real-time access real-time curve monitoring complete instrument / reagents / QC system from one manufacturer automated rerun and reflex testing measuring status feedback 150 samples walkaway capacity walkaway capacity 150 samples / 1000 cuvettes unique cuvette transport system...
Open the catalog to page 2All Diagon Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
Blood Controls
2 Pages
Cellagon 3
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Coag S
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Coag 2D
2 Pages
Coag 4D
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
Coag M
2 Pages
Coag L
2 Pages
DiaMRSA System
2 Pages
DiaLP System
2 Pages
Diagon Hematology
19 Pages
Diagon Control & Calibrators
2 Pages
Diagon Reagents
10 Pages
Diagon reagent kits
12 Pages
2 Pages
Coag 4D
2 Pages
Dia-Timer 2 ; Dia-Timer 4
2 Pages
D-Cell 60
4 Pages