Giotto 101


Catalog excerpts

Giotto 101 - 1

ftjT.ER.^ENT SKegiune Kmilia-Kotmigna DA SO ANNI "AL DENTE" E IN PUNTA Dl PIEDI g|,:Ek rilk? The use of aesthetic materials for the restoration of posterior teeth took place with the birth of the first generation of composite resin materials in the 70s. Forty years later, the rapid advancement and evolution of dental materials now allows high quality restorations of both anterior and posterior teeth, directly at the chairside. Direct composite resin restorations provide a great opportunity for dentists to reflect their skills and dedication. Dentists as clinicians must take on the role of dental technicians in sculpting the anatomy of the restoration and, as artists, elaborate the "aesthetics" of smile design, through a full understanding of the mechanical, physical and aesthetic properties of the available composite resin. This in turn translates to that superior dental restorations require a great deal of effort in terms of time and skill. To create long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing restorations, the adaptation of composite resin in the posterior and even more relevant in the anterior areas, is subject to a variety of challenges. One of the main challenges is linked to just the RIGHT Fluidity (Viscosity) of the material, which can greatly enhance the manual dexterity of the operator. By reducing stress levels, the practitioner can focus energy and attention on the know-how and perfecting both shade and form of the final restoration as it blends with tooth structure as a final restoration. DIAGRAM, brainchild of Prof. Enrico Conserva, (Seasonal Professor of the OFFICIAL COURSE ON RESTORATIVE DENTAL PROSTHETICS III and IV at the University of Genoa) has helped to develop an absolutely innovative device, the "Composite Painting Palette Giotto 101”. Characteristic of the Device: - It is the first device able to aid in controlling the fluidity of various portions of composite material simultaneously and in minimum portions as required for correct stratification and/or for finishing and characterizations. - The material acquires excellent adaptation to the cavity under treatment. -The device was purposely designed to provide the aesthetic dentist assistance in placing direct composite restorations of the highest aesthetic and functional quality. - To aid the dental technicians in achieving custom characterizations of multi-tooth restoration. - The Temperature on the unit can be set to rise from 31°C to 65°C to increase the fluidity of composites, thus rendering the composite useful for the cementation of inlays, onlays and veneers. - The Giotto 101 unit has a locked spring-activated cover that protects the composites from the ambient light during the procedure. If material polymerisation is initiated before placing the material in the cavity, it may alter the physical properties of the material without showing any immediate signs.This eventually will lead to compromising the perfect polymerisation of the material used. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TEMPERATURE IN THE CHEMICAL-PHYSICAL REACTION OF PHOTOPOLYMERISATION Before the initiation of the photo polymerisation, a controlled heating of the composites resin reduces the thermal delta between the beginning temperature of the composites and the incremental temperature due to the exothermic reaction. During The increased temperature by auto-reaction, the controlled heating therefore also reduces the temperature rise during curing, encouraging the proper closing of the polymer chains, with significant improvement of the matrix of composites. TECHNICAL FEATURES: - Weight: - Dimensions: - Power supply: - Rechargeable dry Batteiy - Batteiy charge Voltage: Kg 0,850 cm 15,5 x 12,5x5,5 rechargeable battery, with specific batteiy charger. 8 Ah. 100/240V.AC-50/60Hz.

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Giotto 101 - 2

ll ■ llItaliano Deutsch Fran^ais Espanol Tavolozza perCompositi "Giotto ioi” Composit Malpalette "Giotto ioi” Palette pour Composites "Giotto ioi” Paleta para Composites "Giotto ioi” reazione esotermica.Tale riduzione y condizione ideale per il perfezionamento della matrice dei compositi. Diversamente, I’eccessivo incremento della temperatura, (esponenziale al delta), durante I'indurimento, pregiudica la perfetta chiusura della catena polimerica, con notevoli svantaggi, non visibili ed immediati, ma con criticita ed evidenza nel tempo. CARATTERISTICHETECNICHE E FUNZIONALI: - Peso: Kg 0,850...

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