Catalog excerpts

I FULL DIGITAL VETERINARY ULTRASOUND SCANNER I Driven by Innovation in Veterinary Medicine
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Gravidity analyze and ovulation monitor for mammal such as transgenic sheep and clone Guide to collect the oocyte of cow;survey the thickness of pig's backside and area of eye muscle diagnose the diseases of animal. (2) Obstetric measurement and analysis: EDD and GA for BOVINE, ■ OVINE. CANINE. FELINE. GOAT. LLAMA with OB report (4) Image storage: 100 pictures; cine loop: 250 frames —internal lithium battery: 2pcs( can be exchanged easily when doing diagnosing), 3 hours/pc —external battery: 4 hours/pc —power adaptor Standard configuration: 6.5MHz rectal vet probe (multi frequency, without...
Open the catalog to page 2All Digicare Animal Health catalogs and technical brochures
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