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Catalog excerpts

G30 - 1

Color Doppler Veterinary Emperor medical

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G30 - 2

G30Ve>t <i a compact veterinary color doppler sy*tem. GMVel hot profetMonol measurement & catciAstton pockoges spedakied vetermary ■■torn modM. bodyrnork*. and high dens-ty transducer! (or velennary application. Ineie •noble volennanaru to d-agnow in onytimo and anywhere with greal confidence. ExqiMit* mooing with advo*>eed technologies (or better contrast and spatial resolution. Ultimate mobility *Fiabl») GSOVet on ideal solution for quick i»ipO«(»i wh»i» porlormonc* counts •AIM!: Adoptive Image M>cro-enviror«ment Enhancement. By ieducmg and eliminating the appearance of speckle echoes....

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G30 - 3

The highly intuitive layout clusters 95 percent ol your most frequently-Died keys around the trackball. Radiologists ore able to pay mot* altention to the patient with EMP's ergonomlc design. EMP's one-touch design reduces at least 70% of operation lime ond increase diagnostic efficiency. One-touch information management keys 'One-touch imaging mode iwllching keyi I. Electronic Convex Transducer (2.5/3.5/5.0MHt Standard) 2. Bectronic Linear Transducer (6.5/7.5/°.0MHi. Stondard) 3. Bectronic Endorectal Transducer |5.0/©.5/7.5MHi Optional) 4. Bectronic Micro Convex Transducer...

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G30 - 4

Animal Health Driven by Innovation in Veterinary Medicine Digicare Animal Health Boynton Beach, Florida, 33426 Digicare Animal Health do Brasil email: bales@digiciirebiomedical.com

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All Digicare Biomedical Technology catalogs and technical brochures

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  5. PO 950

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  6. DM8x

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