Catalog excerpts

• Ranges from 90% vacuum to 25bar(375PSI) • 0.02%FS pressure uncertainty • Only 5.6 Kg O V E R V IE W The is a revolution in pressure calibration technology for the process industries. With the technicians have a compact, light weight calibrator that generates from 90% vacuum to 375 PSI (25bar) using a high performance integral electric pump. In a portable package, this little calibrator can automatically generate from 90% vacuum to 375 psi (25bar) pressure with 0.005%FS pressure control stability and 0.02%FS accuracy. To improve the calibrator accuracy, two pressure modules with differing ranges are used. These are built-in and integrated with the internal pump and controller. With optional external pressure modules (CDP series), the can measure pressures up to 10,000 psi (700 bar) with 0.025%FS acc u r a c y. I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e p r e s s u r e generation, control, and measurement capabilities, the also features HART communication capability, supply 24V loop power, and read the current or voltage produced by the pressure transducers. The state-of-the-art CONST811 automated pressure calibrator brings automated pressure calibration to the field. E as y t o U s e ·User friendly interface ·Intuitive icon driven menu structure S o u r c in g a n d M e a s u r i n g e le c tr ic a l s ig n a ls ·Measure mA or V with 0.01% RD + 0.005%FS accuracy ·Source 0 to 22mA current ·24 VDC loop power supply to pressure transmitter during test ·Automatic switch test Mis u s e P r o te c tio n Up to 30V misuse protection on any two sockets D is pla y 7" LCD color screen (800X480) D o c u m e n tin g a n d d a ta l o g g in g ·Task management capability ·Internal memory stores 120 tasks ·Download tasks and upload results H a r t C o m m u n ic a tio n c a pa bility Support HART instrumentation R e c h a r g e a ble b a tte r y Rechargeable battery with up to 8 hours operation between charges L e a k t e s tin g Apply leak test to an external pressure system to determine the magnitude of pressure variations due to leaks P ipe lin e P r o te c tio n Special design the pipeline layout to avoid possible blockage and leakage P o r ta ble Only 12 lb (5.6KG) D e d ic a te d T a s k M e n u The dedicated task key gives direct access to the calibration tasks. B u ilt-in U s e r M a n u a l The technicians could check the wires connection sample and User Manual in the device. P res s ure R ange · Pressure generated by built-in pump and controlled automatically from 90% vacuum to 375 psi (25 bar) ·Pressure measured with external pressure modules (CDP series) to 10,000 psi (700 bar) A c c urac y P r e s s u r e Tr a n s m itte r C a libr a tio n Verify pressure switch performance using the automatic procedure. ·0.02%FS ·Fully temperature compensated C o n tr o l S ta bility ·0.005%FS A u to m a tio n a n d T e s t P r o g r a m ·Fully Automated pressure calibration ·Task preset and auto run ·Auto step C a libr a tio n M a n a g e m e n t S y s te m It has full documenting facilities to prepare reports and provide calibration certificates from its database, utilizing readout data from connected calibration equipme
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Pressure Range N ote a libra tors s upport C D P s e rie s p re s s ure m odule s t ha t a re a va ila ble for g a uge , v a c uum a nd a bs olute p re s s ure f rom - 15 p s i to 1 0, 000 p s i ( -1 b a r to 7 00 b a r) . A c c ura c y f rom 0 . 025% F S i nc lude s o pe ra tion o ve r 1 4° F to 1 22° F ( -10° C t o 5 0° C ) , o ne ye a r s ta bility a nd c a libra tion u nc e rta inty. F or d e ta ile d s pe c ific a tion r e fe r to C D P s e rie s pre s s ure m odule s d a ta s he e t. ·RS232 (DB9/F, environmentally sealed) ·Baud rate: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 ·Data...
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