DTM Plates & Screws
1 / 69Pages

Catalog excerpts

DTM Plates & Screws - 2

Contents Introduction Vision- Mission Hand & Wrist Ankle & Foot Femur & Tibia Cable Plate Hallux Valgus Mini Plate

Open the catalog to page 2
DTM Plates & Screws - 25

FEMUR & TIBIA Proximal Femur Locking Plate Distal Femur Locking Plate LC DCP 4.5m m Broad Femur Locking Plate Proximal Lateral Tibia Plate LC DCP 4.5m m Narrow Tibia Locking Plate T Buttress Locking Plate L Buttr ess Locking Plate

Open the catalog to page 25

All DTM - Deva Tibbi Malzemeler catalogs and technical brochures

  1. DTM Screws

    17 Pages

  2. DTM Plates

    56 Pages

  3. Certificate

    1 Pages

  4. DTM Screws

    2 Pages

  5. DTM Plates

    3 Pages