Catalog excerpts

Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 Vaporisers for Anaesthetic Agents As all other Dräger vaporisers, the Dräger Vapor 3000 series and D-Vapor 3000 deliver same remarkable performance when it comes to precise agent delivery, safety, robustness, quality, and durability. In combination with the Perseus® A500 anaesthesia workstation, they additionally can contribute to improved workflow efficiency, clinical outcome, and decision-making s
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02 | Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 Benefits Safety and easy-to-use functionalities The Vapor 3000 series and D-Vapor 3000 incorporate the following features: ‒ Auto Exclusion mounting system* prevents using two vaporisers simultaneously: turning on one vaporiser locks the other and thus enhances ease of use and patient safety ‒ position “T” of control dial enables safe transport in upside down or tilted position without priorly draining the Vapor and prevents the anaesthetic agent from leaking. After transport, the vaporisers immediately continue working as specified ‒ the entire...
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Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 | 03 Benefits ‒ designed for use within a temperature range of 10 °C to 40 °C (18 °C to 30 °C for D-Vapor 3000) to ensure precise dosing even during special surgical procedures where heating or cooling plays an important role such as inpaediatric, cardiac, burns, or orthopaedic surgeries Cost-saving potential The robust design of Vapor 3000 series and D-Vapor 3000 will provide you with years of trouble-free operation and can save on maintenance costs and time because: ‒ no preventive maintenance is required ‒ no need for recalibration during lifetime...
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04 | Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 System Components Dräger Atlan® A350/A350 XL Imagine the flexibility to have one anaesthesia device platform with highclass safety in every OR. The comprehensive set of clinical features and proven ventilation quality make Atlan the ideal anaesthesia workstation for all patients and surgical procedures. The platform design gives full flexibility for most spatial conditions. The A350/A350 XL is equipped with an electronic gas mixer with automatic fresh-gas composition control. Dräger SmartPilot® View The software visualises the complex synergies of...
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Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 | 05 Technical Data Manufacturer Standard vaporiser Electronic vaporiser Anaesthetic agent Sevoflurane Isoflurane Dosage range Plug-in System Dräger Auto Exclusion Dräger Auto Exclusion Filling volume total [mL] Filling volume refill [mL] Flow range [L/min] Battery backup [min] backup power time in the event of a mains failure Transport capabilities Transport function Transport function Service / calibraton / maintenance Inspection every 12 months No recalibration
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90 67 042 | 21.04-4 | Communications & Sales Marketing | PP | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2021 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA 06 | Dräger Vapor® 3000 and D-Vapor® 3000 Not all products, features, or services are for sale in all countries. Mentioned Trademarks are only registered in certain countries and not necessarily in the country in which this material is released. Go to www.draeger.com/trademarks to find the current status. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS REGION EUROPE REGION MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA REGION ASIA PACIFIC Drägerwerk AG &...
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