Group: Oxyone - Medical Devices

Catalog excerpts

Area Valve Service Unit MD Medical Devices llb Class
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Those provides local isolation of individual parts of medical gas and vacuum piping system required for installation, maintenance, or in the event of an emergency. AVSUs are installed in each operating room, ICUs, resuscitation rooms and in other hospital areas. AVSU are equipped with a lock that can be opened with a key and as reccomemended in ISO 7396-1 (Medical gas compressed pipeline systems and vacuum) can be opened by a special system in case of emergency. Also, In the event of an emergency the glass in the front of the area valve service unit can be broken to allow access to the...
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Upper left entrance, upper right exit, alarm predisposition COD.
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DZ Medicale s.r.l (+39)0307268254 www.dzmedicalesrl.com info@dzmedicalesrl.com Via Lega Lombarda 8, 25036, Palazzolo sull’Oglio (BS) Italia
Open the catalog to page 4All DZ Medicale catalogs and technical brochures
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