Group: Oxyone - Medical Devices

Catalog excerpts

Fixed Emergency Unit
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Main Features : Carpentry accessible by opening two hinged doors. Bellows pressure reducers for oxygen / air with a flow rate of 60 liters per minute. Medical vacuum device consisting of a 25 Nm3 / h dry electric pump with bacterial filtration and collection vessel. External display that allows the visualization of the cylinder charge status. Benefits : A complete emergency source of medical gases in a cabinet, and completes the range offered by our UEM, unit with similar characteristics but mobile and more compact (refer to the specific sheet) Easy maintenance due to the wide access
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A complete emergency source of medical gases in a compact and elegant cabinet. It is a device intended for services where the continuity of the medical and vacuum gas distribution is vital (resuscitation, intensive care, operating theaters, etc.). The gases present are medical oxygen, air and vacuum. Product measurements: 1400x450x1800 mm
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DZ Medicale s.r.l (+39)0307268254 www.dzmedicalesrl.com sales1@dzmedicalesrl.com Via Lega Lombarda 8, 25036, Palazzolo sull’Oglio (BS) Italia
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