Catalog excerpts

Material Safety Data Sheet DNA Damage (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit (Cat No. SKT-120) Section 1: Product and Company Identification Product Name DNA Damage (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit Catalog Number SKT-120 Company StressMarq Biosciences Inc. PO Box 55036 Cadboro Bay Victoria BC V8N4G0 CANADA Tel: 250.294.9065 | Fax: 250-294-9025 | info@stressmarq.com www.stressmarq.com Section 2: Chemical Component Information List of Components 8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxy Guanosine: BSA Coated Plate (SKC-120A) 8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxy Guanosine Standard (SKC-120C) 8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxy Guanosine HRP Conjugated Monoclonal Antibody (SKC-120F) Sample and Standard Diluent (SKC-0001) 8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxy Guanosine Antibody Diluent (SKC-0002) Wash Buffer Concentrate (SKC-0003) TMB Substrate (SKC-0004) Stop Solution (SKC-0005) Plate Cover (SKC-0009) Hazardous Ingredients Chemical Name CAS # Kit Component Stop Solution Section 3: Health Hazards Emergency Overview It is recommended that personnel wear safety goggles, gloves and protective clothing at all times. As part of good industrial and personal hygiene and safety procedure, avoid all unnecessary exposure to the chemical components of this kit and ensure prompt removal from skin, eye, and clothing. Hydrochloric Acid Harmful if inhaled, absorbed through skin or swallowed. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Section 4: First Aid Measures Inhalation Skin Contact Eye Contact Ingestion If inhaled, remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if respiratory symptoms develop. Wash thoroughly with soap and water > 15 minutes. If irritation or discomfort develops seek medical attention. Rinse eyes with water extensively. Seek medical attention. Get medical attention immediately. If person is conscious, give a cupful of water. Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures Flash Point Explosion Limits Auto-ignition Temp Flammability Extinguishing Media Firefighting Suitable: Water spray. Carbon Dioxide, dry chemical powder, or appropriate foam. Protective Equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Authorized: StressMarq Biosciences Inc. Created/Modified: 07-Jul-2015
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Material Safety Data Sheet DNA Damage (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit (Cat No. SKT-120) Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fires conditions. Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Cleanup Procedures Wear appropriate protective clothing. Ventilate area. Contain spill to prevent migration. Absorb on sand or vermiculite, place in sealed container for disposal. Wash area of spill with soap and water. Waste Disposal Dispose of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Section 7: Handling and Storage Handling Avoid getting components of this kit on you or in you. Always wear...
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Material Safety Data Sheet DNA Damage (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit (Cat No. SKT-120) Ingestion May be harmful if swallowed. Symptoms of Exposure To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated. Section 13: Disposal Considerations Dispose of waste materials, unused components and contaminated packaging in compliance with country, state, district and local regulations. If unsure of the applicable requirements, contact the authorities for information. Chemical Kits 3316 9, Miscellaneous N/A Class 9 Chemical Kits 3316 9,...
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