Catalog excerpts

Crown or Bridge Fabrication lli ail Octa Gold Cylinder BLT OS Cover Screw BLT OS Healing Abutment BLT II OS Implant BLT II OS Taper Implant
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S.L.A Surface (Sand-blasted with Large grit and Acid etched) Body Size Insertion Depth Supplied with Cover Screw. (Product code : OCSM, OCSR) Supplied with Mount&Screw. (Product code : OFMM/OFMMS, OFMR/OFMRS, OFMW/OFMRS) Surgical Guide Color code 03.3
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Body Size Insertion Depth (Sand-blasted with Large grit and Acid etched) OBLHRS 4810T OBLHRS 4812T OBLHRS 4813T Insertion ertion Depth pth Supplied with Cover Screw. (Product code : OCSR) Supplied with Mount&Screw. (Product code : OFMM/OFMMS, OFMR/OFMRS, OFMW/OFMRS)
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• BLT OS Cover Screws use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Restoration ComponentBLT OS Impression Coping ^ Open tray ONOICM Closed tray ONOICTM Open tray ONOICR Closed tray ONOICTR • BLT OS Impression Copings use the 1.27 HEX Driver. ■ Supplied with Mini Impression Coping Guide Pin. - Product code : Open tray-ONOICGM / Closed tray-ONOICTGM : Open tray-ONOICGR / Closed tray-ONOICTGR
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BLT OS Healing Abutments use the 1.27 HEX Driver.
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ONOAM 3537 ONOAM 3547 ONOAM 3557 ONOAM 4017 ONOAM 4027 ONOAM 4037 ONOAM 4047 ONOAM 4057 BLT OS BestDuo Abutments use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASM) We have non-hex type. (Product code : ONOAMN)
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II BLT OS BestDuo Abutments use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASR) We have non-hex type. (Product code : ONOARN)
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BLT OS BestAngeld Abutments use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASM, ONOASR) We have non-hex type. (Product code : OBAAMN, OBAARN)
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Use the Solid Driver. Supplied with Solid Protective Cap.
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■ 04.8 BestSolid Abutments use the Solid Driver. ■ 05.5 BestSolid Abutments use the EpSolid Driver. ■ 06.5 BestSolid Abutments use the 1.27 HEX Driver. • Supplied with Solid Protective Cap.
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BLT OS Plastic UCLA Abutment BLT OS Plastic UCLA Abutment Type Bridge (White) BLT OS Plastic UCLA Abutment Use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASM). BLT OS Plastic UCLA Abutment Type Bridge (White) Use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASR).
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BestOcta Abutments use the Octa Driver. Octa Protective Cap use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Octa Protective Cap Screw. (Product code : SHCS) Octa Gold Cylinders use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Octa Protective Cap Screw. (Product code : SHCS) Octa Impression Copings use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Octa Impression Coping Guide Pin. (Product code : SICG) Octa Plastic Cylinders use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Octa Protective Cap Screw. (Product code : SHCS)
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Use the 1.27 HEX Driver. Supplied with Screw. (Product code : ONOASM, ONOASR) We have non-hex type. (Product code : OTAMN, OTARN)
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Lindemann Guide Drill Twist Drill Tap Drill Easy Implant Driver - H/P •l-r: : Easy Implant Driver - T/W Surgical Guide Lindemann Twist Drill Depth Guide Drill 0 2.2 Gauge Parallel Twist Drill Pin 0 2.8 Profiler Twist Drill Profiler Lindemann Twist Drill Depth Guide Drill 0 2.2 Gauge BLT Parallel Twist Drill Twist Drill Profiler Pin 0 2.8 03.5 04.1 /RN Recommendations • Lindemann, Twist Drill speeds at 800 ~ 1200rpm • Bone Taps are optional for use in dense bone • Bone Taps speeds at 20 rpm ■ Implant placement speeds at 20 rpm ■ Implant placement torque at 35 Ncm 1 The tips of...
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