PediaSat Oximetry Catheter


Catalog excerpts

PediaSat Oximetry Catheter - 1

Clarity for your complex pediatric patients. PediaSat Oximetry Catheter

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PediaSat Oximetry Catheter - 2

PediaSat oximetry catheter is the first and only pediatric oximetry catheter with continuous ScvO2 monitoring to help you stay ahead of hypoxia and stages of sepsis.1–4 Continuous, real-time monitoring of central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) offers early recognition of critical changes in oxygen delivery that may not be identified by less sensitive indicators, such as traditional vital signs or intermittent sampling.1–3,5–10 Early indication of ScvO2 offers you the clarity to detect and prevent tissue hypoxia sooner, by enabling early intervention.5–7,9–11 Helps guide therapy and provide...

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PediaSat Oximetry Catheter - 3

In combination with other surrogates of organ perfusion (vital signs, lactate, etc.), continuous monitoring of ScvO2 can be used as a reliable indicator of cardiocirculatory function.18 ScvO2 can optimize hemodynamic management in complex pediatric patients. • Congenital heart disease and other complex cardiac patients19 • Sepsis and septic shock4 • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)14 CO Vasoactive medications Inotropic medications Dysrhythmia Congestive heart failure Shock Hb Hemorrhage Occult bleeding Anemia Hemodilution Hypoxia/hypoxemia Suctioning, atelectasis...

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PediaSat Oximetry Catheter - 4

A References inserted above A Designed for use with Edwards Lifesciences monitoring platforms and Philips modules, the PediaSat oximetry catheter offers the clarity of an early warning. 5-79-11 Edwards HemoSphere Advanced Monitoring Platform Edwards EV1000 Clinical Platform PediaSat Oximetry Catheter Adaptable module design allows a broad range of working environments and applications. Screen options communicate patient status at a glance. Presents patient physiologic status in an intuitive, meaningful way to clinically support proactive hemodynamic management.21-22 The first and only...

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PediaSat Oximetry Catheter - 5

References for Edwards PediaSat oximetry catheter brochure 1. Spenceley, N., et al. Continuous central venous saturations during pericardial tamponade case report. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007,Vol. 8,No. 3,p18.2.153. 12. Tweddell, JS, et al. Mixed venous oxygen saturation monitoring after stage 1 palliation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg 2007;84:1301–1311. 2. Krahn, G., et al. Early clinical evaluation of the Edwards PediaSat™ oximetry catheter in pediatric patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2007,Vol. 8,No. 3,p18.2.152. 13. Oliveira, CF, et al. An outcomes comparison of...

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