Catalog excerpts

CAESimEquip Deliver cost-effective training with simulated medical equipment Simplify and enhance your simulation training capabilities, with or without a patient simulator CAE SimEquip expertly simulates a variety of medical devices for realistic and reliable hands-on training at an affordable price. Instructors can now expand the variety and complexity of Simulated Clinical Events (SCEs) in both prehospital and in-hospital environments, providing experiences to obtain skills required for effective healthcare delivery. SimEquip incorporates simulation scenarios into simulated medical equipment for hands-on training in advanced scenarios such as resuscitation, ventilation and anesthesia. Available in Standalone and Maestro Add-on configurations. Learn more at caehealthcare.com/simequip. Your worldwide training partner of choice
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CAE Healthcare’s SimEquip training solution allows clinical learners to practice device operation and patient monitoring skills in a safe environment. The equipment easily integrates with adult CAE Maestro patient simulation scenarios for enhanced training. Here are a few of the proficiencies CAE SimEquip offers. CAE SimEquip Transport Ventilator • Monitor and interpret patient vital signs • Manage ventilation of a simulated patient being transported • Deliver electrical therapy to a simulated patient (prehospital or in-hospital) • Configure a transport ventilator • Troubleshoot transport...
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CAEVimedix 3.3
2 Pages