DOR-BAR Brochure
1 / 2Pages

Catalog excerpts

DOR-BAR Brochure - 1

SERODI AGNOSIS ANTIBODIES (ASDOR) • Visual and colorimetric results Microbiology Reagents

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DOR-BAR Brochure - 2

® Space-saving trays for the incubator ® Only one incubation step (4h at 37°C) ® Visual and colorimetric results SAFE RESULTS ® Negative control C- (well 9 containing ® Positive control C+ (well 10 containing serum ® Standard control serum (Human serum in a separate vial) Take the diagnosis further with the ASO-BAR kit ® Titration of anti-streptolysine O antibodies SUBS: Vial of lyophilized medium containing the substrate (DNA) and a colour indicator. To be reconstituted with 600 ul of sterile distilled water. DOR-BAR tray: Divisible tray of 2 x 10 wells (2 tests), individually wrapped in...

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