ELI.H.A brochure
1 / 2Pages

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ELI.H.A brochure - 1

MYCOLOGY & PARASITOLOGY OOOOC )OOOOQCXX ^B. B^^^^_T ^^^^ ^J'A Amoew] ELI.H.A Range: Complete kits with liquid ready-to -use reagents Results in 2 hours and reliable overnight • Bilharziosis (Schistosomiasis) • Hydatidosis (Echinococcosis)

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ELI.H.A brochure - 2

Sensitized sheep red blood cells are coated with antigens and added Sensitized sheep red blood cells are coated with antigens and added PRINCIPLE they will agglutinate with the red blood cells and a red/brown ELI.H.A RANGE IS BASED ON they will willHAEMAGGLUTINATION TESTINGa red/brown INDIRECT appear on the bottom of the well. With a non-reactive deposit agglutinate with the red blood cells and Sensitized sheep red blood cells are coated withon the bottom of the well. Withtest serum. If the specific antibodies are serum, will appear antigens and added to the a non-reactive sensitized cells...

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