Nanoduct® Neonatal Sweat Analysis System
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Nanoduct® Neonatal Sweat Analysis System - 1

BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS Laboratory CF Diagnosis in the first days of life

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Nanoduct® Neonatal Sweat Analysis System - 2

NANODUCT NEONATAL SWEAT ANALYSIS SYSTEM Initial Sweating Rate Displayed Automatically As soon as sweat enters the microconductivity cell, the display alerts the operator. After a very short interval, the display reads out the initial sweating rate and gives continuous readings of realtime conductivity. Requires Only 3 Microliters of Sweat! The miniscule conductivity sensor allows a reading at only 3 microliters of sweat, which, for reasonably mature glands usually happens within 6 minutes after applying the sensor. Shorter Stimulation Time Improved Pilogel Iontophoretic Discs yield maximal...

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Nanoduct® Neonatal Sweat Analysis System - 3

It is vital to perform this test as soon as possible after birth. With Nanoduct it becomes extremely simple and reliable. Nanoduct ® Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve both the quality of life and the lifespan of children born with cystic fibro1,2 sis. The proven diagnostic effectiveness of analyzing electrolyte concentration in sweat makes it vital to perform this test as soon as possible after birth. ELITechGroup has long been the leading innovator in the laboratory diagnosis of cystic fibrosis with the Macroduct® Sweat Collector and its companion, the Sweat-Chek™...

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Nanoduct® Neonatal Sweat Analysis System - 4

NANODUCT NEONATAL SWEAT ANALYSIS SYSTEM Specifications Nanoduct Neonatal Sweat Analysis System Model 1030 ® 128 x 64 LCD graphic display (non-backlit). Supports up to 8 lines of 18 characters or numerals, with multi-lingual support (English, French, German, and Spanish). Alert and Alarm signals ON, OFF, SELECT and ENTER keys Electrode Connection 6-pin locking medical connector to mate with induction/conductivity cell cable Serial Outputs RS-232 (ASCII format) 9-pin D-sub male connector USB – device Type B receptacle Four AA Alkaline batteries (NEDA 15A, IEC LR6) Typical solid-state,...

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