Q-PCR Alert & PCR Alert kits
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Q-PCR Alert & PCR Alert kits - 1

Related Products About ELITechGroup Molecular Diagnostics MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS ELITechGroup Molecular Diagnostics has established its position as a leading PCR innovator. Guided by over 45 years of industry experience in assisting diagnosis of human health, ELITechGroup is dedicated to providing the highest quality Real-Time PCR solutions to improve patient outcomes for infectious, respiratory and sexually transmitted disease, stem-cell and solid organ transplantation, cancer and human genetics. ELITechGroup Molecular Diagnostics' suite of Real-Time PCR solutions enable healthcare providers to make better medical decision, improve patient outcomes and deliver a superior level of service and patient care. Over the past decade, the ELITechGroup Companies have established global scientific and technical leadership with a solid world-wide distribution network. Through our products and licensing, thousands of customers have experienced ELITech quality, convenience and reliability in over 100 countries. Alert Product Range Limited License Please visit http://www.elitechgroup.com/corporate/elitemgb-legalnotice for complete licensing and warranty information • Fully validated system solution Please contact your sales representative for product availability in your country Quantitative assays including traceability to WHO standards ELITechGroup is certified by DEKRA and applies a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2008 • Product range for in vitro diagnostic use in microbiology, virology, human genetics and oncohematology WORLDWIDE OFFICES Middle East & Africa tailored to your needs www.e lit echo, roup.com MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS

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Q-PCR Alert & PCR Alert kits - 2

Real-Time Q-PCR Alert •All the PCR Alert products are in monotest format.

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