Catalog excerpts

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The Path to NEXT GENERATION DRUG ELUTING STENT TECHNOLOGY… Introducing the Novolimus — eluting DESyne® stent — the next generation drug eluting stent with improved performance and superior clinical efficacy and safety1. Engineered on a clinically — proven cobalt chromium platform, the novel design and Formula X™ drug/polymer coating technology allows for thin struts, lowest polymer load2, and lowest drug concentration2 of any DES on the market today. DESyne® maximizes deliverability and is able to deliver superior performance with the lowest published late lumen loss4. Engineered to...
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Coating Technology Advanced Drug/Polymer Coating Technology Thin polymer and drug matrix coating without the need for a primer coating Superior DES clinical performance with excellent safety profile1 Lowest Polymer Coating Load2 Reduced risk of adverse clinical events 1 Improved polymer biocompatibility3 Low Drug Dose Sustainable performance with lower drug dose XIENCE V® 7.8 µm UNIQUE Drug Agent Proprietary Novolimus Drug Elution Established safety and performance • Clinically proven ‘olimus’ drug family • Active metabolite of Sirolimus Proprietary drug facilitates superior clinical...
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CLINICAL Performance Sets New Standards EXCELLA II RCT (n = 210) L a t e L u m en L oss a t 9 M onths EXCELLA II Trial 82% 0 . 7 reduction in Late Loss 0.63 p<0.001 0.6 Comparative Trial results at 8–9 months5 CYPHER® (SIRIUS) RESOLUTE® XIENCE V® (RESOLUTE) (SPIRIT III) Significant reduction in late lumen loss, p = 0.001 Lowest published late lumen loss 4 Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) at 3 Years Clinical Follow-up 14.0% 12.0% EXCELLA II Trial 61% 12.7% reduction in MACE Comparative Trial results at 3 years5 XIENCE V® RESOLUTE® (SPIRIT III) (RESOLUTE FIM) MACE defined as Target Lesion...
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CLINICAL Performance Sets New Standards EXCELLA II RCT (n = 210) Neointimal Volume Obstruction by IVUS at 9 Months EXCELLA II Trial 78% 25.0% reduction in % NI volume Comparative Trial results at 8–9 months 5 CYPHER® (SIRIUS) RESOLUTE® (RESOLUTE) Low neointimal volume obstruction Neointima-free Frame Ratio (% cross-sections without neointima coverage) EXCELLA III Trial 70.0% Comparative Trial results at 8–9 months 5 CYPHER® RESOLUTE® XIENCE V® (ENDEAVOR (RESOLUTE) (SPIRIT III) III Control Arm) Optimal neointimal coverage with low neointimal volume obstruction 1 » Serruys, P et. al,...
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CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labeling supplied with each device. Elixir Medical Corporation specializes in developing products that combine state-of-the-art medical devices with advanced pharmaceuticals to provide innovative treatment solutions to patients worldwide. Elixir Medical Corporate Headquarters 870 Hermosa Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 408.636.2000 info@elixirmedical.com Elixir Medical Ireland IDA Business and Technology Park...
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