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aEEG/CFM EEGDigiTrack - 1


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ELMIKO BIOSIGNALS Sp. z o.o. About us

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ABOUT US ELMIKO BIOSIGNALS SP. Z O.O. ELMIKO BIOSIGNALS Sp. z o.o. A Polish family company established in 1978 as a company designing and manufacturing electronic systems and devices. THE PRODUCTS WE MANUFACTURE INCLUDE: • EQUIPMENT FOR NEUROLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS • For over 45 years we have specialized in designing and implementing the latest technologies in the field of electronics and informatics in medicine. EEG DigiTrack EEG DigiTrack aEEG/CFM EQUIPMENT FOR LONG-TERM NEUROLOGICAL MONITORING EEG DigiTrack Neurofeedback EQUIPMENT FOR NEUROLOGICAL THERAPY With many years of experience and...

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ELMIKO adopted, implemented and certified a quality management system for manufacturers of medical devices compliant with the EN ISO 13485:2016 standard EEGDigiTrack® electroencephalographs meet the requirements for medical devices under Directive 93/42/EEC The certificate was issued by a reputable notified body No. 0197 TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH EEGDigiTrack® system database is compliant with the GDPR provisions

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Nowadays, the question is usually not whether the preterm infant will survive, but what his or her life will be like.. PROF. JACEK RUDNICKI

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WHAT IS aEEG/CFM? Information about the method

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WHAT IS aEEG/CFM? WHAT IS aEEG/CFM aEEG/CFM, OR AMPLITUDE-INTEGRATED ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY. LONG-TERM EEG MONITORING CAN DETECT ABNORMALITIES IN BIOELECTRICAL BRAIN ACTIVITY THAT INCLUDE BOTH EPILEPTIC EPISODES, AND SUPPRESSION OF ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC ACTIVITY. • Primarily used in intensive care units (ICU) and neonatal intensive care units (NICU), it contributes to bettermanagement of critical conditions long-term patient monitoring, epileptic episodes can be detected, allowing for rapid intervention and therapy adjustment. • Quick Assessment and Response: The easy-to-interpret SEIZURE...

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WHAT IS aEEG/CFM – A POWERFUL BUT SIMPLE TOOL WHAT IS aEEG/CFM aEEG – Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography CFM – Cerebral Function Monitor REMARKABLE SIMPLICITY OF INTERPRETATION a few simple patterns are enough to recognize many extremely important vital signs, the trace reflects the maximum and minimum amplitude of the signal INCREDIBLE EASE OF USE only a few electrodes, colour-coding and shading LONG-TERM MONITORING AND ALERTS condensed and rich information provided continuously with alarm conditions signalled CORRELATION WITH SpO2, rSO2 AND OTHER SIGNALS easy observation of the...

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USE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEUROMONITORING WITH aEEG/CFM WHAT IS aEEG/CFM Hypoxicischemic encephalopathy Drug therapy monitoring Sepsis Hydrocephalus Metabolic disorders Cardiopulmonary insufficiency Neuroinfections Curative hypothermia

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aEEG/CFM WHAT IS aEEG/CFM BENEFITS OF aEEG/CFM MONITORING: • rapid point-of-care neurological interpretation of the patient’s condition lower cost monitoring CCFM (Coloured CFM) – colour marking of aEEG trend fragments according to the maximum and minimum amplitude values changes in the patient’s condition can easily be noticed by people without specialist training in the field of neurology pathologies and acute conditions can be predicted before they appear in the clinical picture

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SIMPLIFIED EEG ELECTRODE PLACEMENT WHAT IS aEEG/CFM THE INTERNATIONAL 10-20 SYSTEM IS MOST COMMONLY USED FOR BASIC EEG RECORDING AND ITS SIMPLIFICATION IN CFM It is possible to make a ‘full-cap’ recording with 21 electrodes placed according to the 10-20 system, but when measuring aEEG/CFM in newborns, only two or four electrodes are usually sufficient. ELECTRODES ARE USUALLY PLACED IN, CENTRAL AND PARIETAL LOBES AREAS: •

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BASICS OF aEEG/CFM VISUALIZATION WHAT IS aEEG/CFM Constant activity at a low amplitude (continuous pattern) NARROW, LOW GRAPH Constant activity at a high amplitude (continuous pattern) NARROW, HIGH GRAPH Variable amplitude of activity (discontinuous pattern) WIDE GRAPH aEEG/CFM TREND RECORDING | 12

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BACKGROUND PATTERNS IN NEONATES WHAT IS aEEG/CFM Normal continuous pattern Abnormal continuous pattern Discontinuous pattern is observed as the norm in full-term neonates. For a pattern to be considered normal, the sleep-wake cycles must be visible (every 40–50 minutes) has the same lower and upper limits as in the normal pattern, but there is no sleep-wake cycling visible. This indicates the existence of some pathology maintain normal upper and lower limits without visible sleep-wake cycling, suggests pathology but is normal in preterm infants under 30–32 weeks. It appears periodically...

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BACKGROUND PATTERNS IN NEONATES WHAT IS aEEG/CFM Burst-suppression pattern (-) Burst-suppression pattern (+) Maintains an amplitude of below 5 µV (lower limit) most of the time. Occasionally you will see the amplitude increase (BURST) marked by green “lines”. In BS (+) there are over 100 bursts/ (uncountable at first sight). Such a pattern is never normal. It is the result of hypoxia, a severe general condition, a cerebralhaemorrhage, etc. Occurs when the patient’s condition is getting worse. Then the number of periods of increased bioelectrical brain activity (BURST) becomes smaller and at...

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BACKGROUND PATTERNS IN NEONATES WHAT IS aEEG/CFM Continuous low voltage trace ZaIsoelectric (flat, inactive) trace Is characterized by a continuous low voltage of less than 5 µV. This is a highly abnormal tracing. Most newborns who have such a trace die and the small percentage who survive always develop badly. is extremely abnormal. It basically indicates a brain death. All newborns with such a tracing die. (*) Note: At low voltages, interference from the neonatal intensive care unit environment is more pronounced.. Entire trace below 5 µV Lower limit below 5 µV Upper limit around 5 µV

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