Catalog excerpts

EEGDigiTrack unique features EEGDigiTrack family the most advanced EEG devices on the market this is the real breakthrough in neurophysiology!!! discover new EEGDigiTrack 12: Ü EEG signal acquisition from headboxes from 42 to 256 channels (with Sp02 module and a patient's button) a new, touch screen-adapted, exceptionally user-friendly user interface completely new networked, dispersed, multi-station EEGDigiTrack Manager database automatically synchronises examinations, descriptions and other data with any computer, eliminating the need for a data server ability to conduct EEG analysis on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) with Windows OS. optional multi-camera videometry with optical and digital zoom to monitor your patient on several feeds at once ability to turn video recording on and off independently from EEG extensive, user-editable, medical events manager, with a database of over 400 pre-defined options ability to create interactive notes and inserting markers during EEG recording new, advanced CSA and DSA signals analyses advanced electrocorticographic mapping to automatically recognize and register signals from all types of reference electrodes ability to connect with a corticographic stimulator automatic artefact detection automatic spike detection independent component analysis (ICA) new function - back averaging LORETA analysis integration new, optional polisomnography module with automatic analyses of artefacts and sleep spindles as well as automatic hypnogram a new module for Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) an optional module for EEG (aEEG) signal trend analysis for long-term neurological and cardiological monitoring Made in Poland by: HL7 standard compatible, with ability to create own plug-ins extraordinary configuration flexibility and easy way to translate the software 1434 to any language with a specially designed application
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EEGDigiTrack software learn about capabilities and unique functions of EEGDigiTrack 12 software EEGDigiTrack Manager - synchronize data without a server! Ü exceptionally clear, ergonomic and intuitive user interface, designed from a scratch and accounting for years of experience and suggestions from thousands of EEGDigiTrack users unique, networked, dispersed patient and examination database for any number of recording and analysis stations, which synchronise data with each other, eliminating the need for an additional server ability to connect remotely and work with the device (e.g. from...
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EEGDigiTrack modules optional software modules make the EEGDigiTrack a powerful diagnostic tool! additional analysis station ability to work on both stationary and mobile workplace precise measurement tool to measure frequency and amplitude of both single waves and their groups in any selected time frame as well as displaying the waves' layout and marking the dominant wave FFT spectral analysis and presenting its results as a graph (as histogram, envelope, average amplitudes, dominant frequencies) and a oneor multichannel impedance measuring map throughout the examination automatic...
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EEGDigiTrack modules optional software modules make the EEGDigiTrack a powerful diagnostic tool! 3D mapping module - many 3D visualisation alghoritms 3D mapping module generates and presents the map's projection onto a 3D head or brain model. Advanced algorithms and numerous transformations like Surface Current Density, Coherence Mapping, Potential Change Velocity, Relative and Absolute Power Spectrum, or Potential Asymmetry Mapping, Dominant Frequency and Centre of Gravity Mapping place our mapping among the world leaders of EEG analysis software. TPM - Time-Potential Mapping TPM Mapping...
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EEGDigiTrack modules optional software modules make the EEGDigiTrack a powerful diagnostic tool! This module allows the usersto conduct a Biofeedbacktherapy with an EEG device. EEG Biofeedback training improves brain's work and cognitive functions. The software offers extensive options for adjusting the training to suit the patient's individual needs, like biofeedback games, adjustment of delay and stimulation level, selecting the optimal training protocol (also Therapy's results are presented in clear tables and a new method of individual session and round comparison (learning curve)...
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EEGDigiTrack modules optional software modules make the EEGDigiTrack a powerful diagnostic tool! EEGDigiTrack PSG - new, advanced sleep lab Records and analyses in-sleep examinations. Includes for example: automatic analysis of sleep stages, hypnograms creation and comparison, automatic detection of spindles and K-complexes, automatic artefact detection and removal, independent component and wavelet analyses, automatic report and sleep statistics generation, ltering with standard or user-congured lters. LUPA improves the analysis of long data fragments and hypnograms and a precise measuring...
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EEGDigiTrack congurations EEGDigiTrack devices adjust to suit your lab's needs BasicEEG_42 - basic EEG device for private clinics. Available in both xed and mobile versions. SimplEEG_42 - xed, single-post EEG device, perfect for outpatient laboratory tests and small hospitals movEEG_42 - mobile, one-post EEG device - perfect for hospitals, where a patient cannot be transported to the EEG room (intensive treatment rooms, post-surgery etc.) MultiEEG_42 - two-post EEG device, used in medical facilities where a lot of EEG examinations is done. Two work posts allow for independent work of the...
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about elmiko... ELMIKO company was created in 1978. For over 35 years we have specialized in designing and developing medical electronics and IT solutions. Regular cooperation with important academic centres resulted in creation of a high-end medical device named EEGDigiTrack. Our highly qualied team of engineers and IT specialists constantly works to develop new solutions and improve the quality and functionality of our devices. Thanks to their eort every few months new versions of devices and software are introduced and the name ELMIKO connotates with the most advanced solutions for...
Open the catalog to page 8All ELMIKO Medical Equipment catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
29 Pages
11 Pages
Archived catalogs
9 Pages
EEG Biof eedback
8 Pages
EEGDigiTrack CFM
8 Pages
1 Pages
8 Pages
EEGDigiT r ack CFM
5 Pages
52 Pages