Catalog excerpts

Motus Vitae | Circuit “Keep on Mo-Vit and improve your life
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EME Official Supplier WORLD CHAMPION! Founded in 1983 in Pesaro, EME has established itself over the years as a leading company in the production of electro-medical devices for physiotherapy, rehabilitation, veterinary and aesthetics. The synergy bteween the internal Research and Development department, external professionals and institutions, allows us to come up, each year, with innovative and more performing solutions and to offer the market 100% Made in Italy products that are highly reliable, effective and avant-garde. EME Lab is the philosophy that permeates all our activities. The...
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Customer care & Technical assistance Under the banner of customer satisfaction and the fastest resolution of problems. R&D Department Our team of engineers is the real heart of EME. Production Department Distinguished by attention to detail and Italian style. Clean Room A controlled atmosphere room that allows us to work internally the optical fibers contained in our lasers. Sales Department The first point of contact with our customers with the aim of building long lasting partnerships.
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Motus Vitae, “movement is life”, represents a turning point in functional rehabilitatio
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The needs Motus Vitae wants to respond to The Motus Vitae project, “Movement is life”, comes from the desire to exploit the potential of movement to improve people’s lives. A goal pursued with passion and trauma hospitalizations every year cases of stroke every year determination that has led us to respond effectively to an ever growing need within our society and for which a lack of specific tools has been found: recovering motor function and counteracting functional loss. 27 millions people over 80 years old These are the European data. The global world data are estimated to be 8 times...
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Motus Vitae goals Motus Vitae is effective in functional recovery following trauma and disease Functional Level Functional level with Motus Vitae Functional recovery achieved Functional rehabilitation without Motus Vitae with Motus Vitae Functional lose Motus Vitae contrasts functional loss and delays the moment of non self-sufficiency Functional Level with Motus Vitae Functional recovery achieved without Motus Vitae Motus Vitae goals Gli obiettivi di Motus Vitae
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Today the right and innovative solution for rehabilitation Before Motus Vitae Machines derived from Body Building, not designed for rehabilitation. Inappropriate minimum loads and movements Inertia Poor progressivity No objective data collection Operator-dependent technologies Reduced patient involvement Only one working mode in a protocol Isokinetic devices Complex systems High operator commitment Need for specialized technical assistance A product that combines functionality, design and high technology. High cost Before Motus Vitae Today the right and innovative solution for rehabilitation
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Shoulders & Lat Shoulders and lats Chest & Row Chest and back A new concept to meet, as no one has ever done before, the needs of functional rehabilitation and the recovery of people with reduced mobility. Motus Vitae, “movement is life”, represents a real turning point in functional rehabilitation. A system that uses 6 types of movement to improve life at 360 degrees. A circuit composed of devices governed by the latest generation of software and hardware, able to help patients with low motor skills or in cases where motor deficit is caused by trauma or diseases, to recover their initial...
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Working mode with constant resistant load. Used when moving towards full recovery of joint strength and mobility. Unlike other devices on the market, Mo-Vit TLM allows you to define different loads in the concentric and eccentric phase of muscle contraction. Continuous Passive Motion The machine generates movement at constant speed, the patient does not have to generate force. Used in the initial stages of rehabilitation to maintain joint mobility, for example after surgery or in patients who do not have the ability to muscle contraction, such as in cases of paraplegia, in order to exercise...
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Our technology A complete and versatile technology at the service of the most demanding requests in rehabilitation and functional recovery. Monitoring, evaluation and storage Robotics Technology Effective, fluid and punctual High precision Control 1000 times per second of force, speed and position
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Simple and intuitive software. Easy to use. In just 30 minutes of training the technician can start operating. Cloud system All data is stored in the patient file and shared in the Cloud in order to be accessible from PCs, tablets and smartphones. The reports allow you to view the results achieved, study any improvement and keep every detail under control for 100% accurate evaluations. Motivating interface The software guides the user in all phases of work through a biofeedback system that marks the achievement of objectives step by step. Multiple Protocols It is possible to create...
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System Mo-Vit Start moving! Circular logic Logical monitoring of results Step-by-step interactive feedback Patient One Touch Login
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Mo-Vit TLM Mo-Vit Total Leg was designed to mobilize, recover and develop the motor system of the lower limbs. Unlike other rehabilitation devices, it allows you to work with a closed kinetic chain. Target force from 5 Kg to 150 Kg Target concentric force from 15 kg to 150 kg Target eccentric force from 15 kg to 150 kg Target concentric force from 15 kg to 150 kg Target eccentric force from 15 kg to 150 kg Target force from 5 kg to 200 kg Concentric speed from 5 mm/sec a 1.000 mm/sec Eccentric speed from 5 mm/sec a 1.000 mm/sec Concentric speed from 50 mm/sec a 1.000 mm/sec Eccentric speed...
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Mo-Vit TLM Ergonomic and non-slip platform with foot stop system Your complete rehabilitation system in 2 m2 Design with attention to every detail It is possible to separate the seat from the rest of the device to facilitate transport and installation (width 60 cm) Easy access seat with adjustable backrest Passive and active safety systems
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