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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue


Catalog excerpts

ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 1

create your performance

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 3

  atom  ATOM create your performance 3 ATOM create your performance Electrosurgery is a constantly developing discipline of medical technology. It has been applied for dozens of years and is still looking for novel approaches as well as more effective and safer solutions. With an enhanced range of electrosurgical applications in a number of different specializations, electrosurgical systems have become more complex and complicated, while the scope of available functionalities and operational modalities has not necessarily matched the actual needs and requirements of their users. For more...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 4

4  ATOM create your performance  atom ATOM create your performance ATOM is a compact electrosurgical unit which offers possibilities which have so far been provided by large and complicated electrosurgical systems only. Create your electrosurgical system ATOM is a system which easily adapts to the user. Since it is possible to configure in any way the available operating modes, each user can set up an electrosurgical system that accurately meets the actual needs and requirements. Based on the configuration options for each operating mode, the electrosurgical system can be freely adjusted to...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 5

  atom  ATOM SmartDevice System 5 ATOM SmartDevice System ATOM does not require any complicated preprocedure configuration – you simply need to connect the instrument. The system will automatically detect it and adjust the appropriate settings. The electrosurgical unit is equipped with SmartDevice System (SDS) sockets. The SDS system detects and identifies the connected instrument. ATOM automatically adjusts the operating mode and output settings, thus ensuring greater comfort and safety of work. If the settings are changed during the procedure, the electrosurgical unit will store them in...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 6

6  ATOM create your performance  atom ATOM create your performance • monopolar and bipolar modes • highly-specialized operating modes, e.g. bipolar resection, an endoscopic cutting procedure and ThermoStapler® • argon plasma coagulation in standard and pulse mode • automatic regulation of working parameters on the basis of real-time measurements • instantaneous and average power monitor that enables the operator to control the electrosurgical unit’s working parameters • colour touch screen and system for recognition of connected instruments, SDS • integrated argon connection – SDSA •...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 7

  atom  ATOM safety of performance 7 ATOM safety of performance Safety of the patient Correct application of a neutral electrode (passive plate) is a very important part of every electrosurgical procedure. In monopolar operation, neutral electrode collects the high frequency current and discharges it, closing the electrical circuit. The ring around the EmedSafe electrode dissipates the HF-current over the entire surface of the neutral electrode. It means that the HF-current dispersion is the same regardless of the direction of the electrode. Neutral Electrode Monitor (NEM) system...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 8

8  ATOM setting performance  atom ATOM setting performance Power monitor A modern operating room is focused on effects rather than power settings. The operator chooses the desired coagulation or cutting effect. It is not necessary to focus on analyzing and selecting the appropriate power level, which would allow to achieve the required effect. ATOM is fitted out with an advanced measuring system which automatically adjusts in real-time the output power to the changing conditions within the operating field based on measurements of the output parameters. Due to continuous monitoring of all...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 9

ATOM footswitch Wireless footswitch operation This innovative solution eliminates the additional cables from the operating theatre or procedure room. The footswitch communicates with the electrosurgical unit using wireless data transfer. The state-of-the-art technology used in the wireless module guarantees data transfer without undue delay and without interference in functions of other equipment in the operating theatre. MultiSwitch, two-pedal footswitch, wireless Footswitch options: recognition of connected footswitch (type, serial number, etc.) different options of assigning of the...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 10

10  ATOM applications  atom ATOM applications Versatility of applications ATOM features monopolar and bipolar techniques in a variety of cutting and coagulation modes. The generator features highly-specialized operating modes, e.g. bipolar resection, an endoscopic cutting procedure and ThermoStapler® – a system for sealing large blood vessels. An integrated argon module brings the benefits from argon plasma coagulation and cutting. Monopolar and bipolar resection Argon cutting and coagulation Vessel sealing system THERMOSTAPLER® ThermoStapler® is a special bipolar mode enabling the sealing...

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 11

ATOM applications ARGON CUT AND COAGULATION ARGON COAG Argon-enhanced monopolar coagulation. The mode is used for non-contact coagulation of the surface of bleeding tissues. It eliminates smoke and smell. It ensures very shallow and gentle coagulation. Instruments: rigid argon electrodes for coagulation. ENDO ARGON Argon-enhanced monopolar coagulation for endoscopic procedures. It ensures very shallow and gentle coagulation. It is necessary when there is a risk of perforation. The absence of smoke ensures the perfect visibility of the operative field. Instruments: flexible argon probes....

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ATOM electrosurgical unit - catalogue - 12

12  ATOM applications  atom ATOM applications STANDARD MONOPOLAR MODES MONO CUT Monopolar cutting with different haemostasis effects. Effect 1 is used to cut the tissues when additional bleeding control is not needed. This cutting mode causes the least damage to tissues. Other effects include enhanced haemostasis levels. They are used when there is a need for more intensive bleeding control already in the course of cutting. The higher haemostasis levels control bleeding better, but exert a stronger thermal impact on the tissues. Instruments: monopolar electrodes, e.g. knife, loop or needle....

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