Catalog excerpts

Cardiologic rehabilitation and exercise system SANA SPRINT PLUS Ergometer and treadmill 16 Station NIBP SpO2 Wireless ECG Wireless data transfer Patient data bank Training programs Detailed evaluation tools Various documentation Data interface Multi language EASY START: Patient allocation with stored training data and chip card system sana couch 150/250L sana sedeo 150/250S sana cardio 150SE/250SE sana comfort 150S/250S SANA SPRINT PLUS Cardiologic rehabilitation and exercise system
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Technical Data Ergometer Type Nearly noiseless and maintenance free drive with V-belt (no chain) Braking principle Load range Range of revolutions Load precision Load parameters Load software Computer- controlled brakes with permanent measurement of torque. Braking performance is independent of revolutions per minute. 20 to 800 watts (Independent of revolutions per minute) 5 to 20 dependent 30 to 130 rpm for pedals 3% not less than 3 watts 1. According to the selected internal load program 2. Parameters from external master unit via interface, smallest resolution 1 watt steps 3. Manually,...
Open the catalog to page 2All Ergosana catalogs and technical brochures
52 Pages
52 Pages
sana-bike-350f-450 F
49 Pages
44 Pages
2 Pages
sana sedeo 150
4 Pages
sana couch 250 L
2 Pages
sana bike 450F
2 Pages