Catalog excerpts

Foil data list for use in the Erkoform-3 unit Foil Rated temperature Cooling time Rated temperature Cooling time Erkoflex transparent, colored and freestyle without insulating foil Erkoloc-pro blu/-green/-pink Erkoflex 1.00 mm with insulating foil 1.50 mm (UZF-Plus/Uni.-UZF) 2.00 mm Playsafe triple Erkolen + Cast/UZF-Plus insulating foil* Erkoform-3 All foils that are ex works equipped with insulating/spacer foil should be thermoformed together with this foil. Thereby the insulating/spacer foil shows towards the model. For special applications the insulating/spacer foil can be removed before thermoforming. *The insulating foil serves for insulation and shrinkage compensation, UZF-Plus, Universal-UZF, UZF red and brown have an influence on the rated temperature of Erkoflex and Erkolen.
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