

Catalog excerpts

MyLab™9VET - 1

MyLab™9VET JUST PERFECT Esaote’s new ultra-performance MyLab™9VET is designed to provide high-level image quality guaranteed by the new state-of-the-art technologies to elevate your diagnostic experience. Enjoy the new performance of the probes, the dedicated veterinary interface and the comfortable ergonomics.

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MyLab™9VET - 2

• 24 MHz probe with high-resolution images Dedicated VET software and probes • ElaXto - non-invasive assessment of tissue elasticity • Fusion imaging - CT, MRI side-by-side with real-time ultrasound Windows ® 10 Cat - 40 day old foetus - B-Mode • CnTI™ - advanced technology for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) imaging Quick start-up • QPack - multimodality quantification tool for CnTI™, Color & Power Doppler Zero-click technology • Zero-click EF - automatic ejection fraction computation Full-screen visualization Highly responsive capacitive touchscreen • XStrain™ - endocardial velocity...

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All Esaote catalogs and technical brochures

  1. O-scan VET

    20 Pages

  2. Magnifico Vet

    12 Pages

  3. S-scan Open

    12 Pages

  4. G-scan Open

    20 Pages

  5. 3MENSIO

    13 Pages

  6. CAAS MR

    2 Pages

  7. MyLab™E80

    9 Pages

  8. O-scan SMART

    16 Pages

  9. MyLab™Fox

    5 Pages

  10. MyLab™A70

    7 Pages

  11. MyLab™A50

    5 Pages

  12. MyLab™X1

    4 Pages

  13. MyLab™X90

    24 Pages

  14. Magnifico Open

    12 Pages

  15. AgileExam

    4 Pages

  16. MyLab™X75

    12 Pages

  17. MyLab™X9

    16 Pages

  18. MyLab™X8 eXP

    12 Pages

  19. MyLab™X6

    5 Pages

  20. MyLab™X5

    5 Pages

  21. MyLab™X7

    7 Pages

  22. S-scan

    12 Pages