

Catalog excerpts

MyLab™X75VET - 2

Light and silent, powered by smart ergonomics MyLab™X75VET is your perfect partner in acquiring high-quality ultrasound images with sharp precision in all applications. Easy to move Integrated long-life battery Quick start-up Comfort while scanning Complete probes portfolio Productivity Dedicated VET software and probes Customer care Extended connectivity 3-years service coverage

Open the catalog to page 2
MyLab™X75VET - 3

Detailed imaging and advanced tools Automatic and immediate B-Mode and Color Mode Imaging optimization at the press of a button Follow Up & Multimodality to compare any DICOM modality in real-time XFlow and microV to enhance tissue vascularization ElaXto - real-time non-invasive assessment of tissue elasticity CnTI™ and QPack to perform contrast examination with contrast agent quantification First-class cardio image and advanced measurements package

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MyLab™X75VET - 4

Esaote S.p.A. - sole-shareholder company Via Enrico Melen 77, 16152 Genova, ITALY, Tel. +39 010 6547 1, Fax +39 010 6547 275, MyLab is a trademark of Esaote spa. Technology and features are system/configuration dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries. Product images are for illustrative purposes only. For further details, please contact your Esaote sales representative. Please visit us online for more information

Open the catalog to page 4

All Esaote catalogs and technical brochures

  1. O-scan VET

    20 Pages

  2. Magnifico Vet

    12 Pages

  3. S-scan Open

    12 Pages

  4. G-scan Open

    20 Pages

  5. 3MENSIO

    13 Pages

  6. CAAS MR

    2 Pages

  7. MyLab™E80

    9 Pages

  8. O-scan SMART

    16 Pages

  9. MyLab™Fox

    5 Pages

  10. MyLab™A70

    7 Pages

  11. MyLab™A50

    5 Pages

  12. MyLab™X1

    4 Pages

  13. MyLab™X90

    24 Pages

  14. Magnifico Open

    12 Pages

  15. AgileExam

    4 Pages

  16. MyLab™X75

    12 Pages

  17. MyLab™X9

    16 Pages

  18. MyLab™9VET

    2 Pages

  19. MyLab™X8 eXP

    12 Pages

  20. MyLab™X6

    5 Pages

  21. MyLab™X5

    5 Pages

  22. MyLab™X7

    7 Pages

  23. S-scan

    12 Pages