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ESCORT LIQUID OXYGEN SYSTEMS ESCORT LIQUID OXYGEN The Escort Liquid Oxygen System is an extremely portable lightweight system that provides oxygen therapy patients the mobility and freedom to do the things they enjoy for up to eight hours. Measuring less than 6” wide by 11” high and 4” inches deep, the Escort packs a lot of features in its small design. Only the Escort offers a continuous flow switch that will automatically bypass the conserving device to allow the patient uninterrupted oxygen flow. Available in either electronic or pneumatic models, the Escort has an integrated conserving device that extends the intervals between refills. The time required to fill the Escort from a base unit is less than 30 seconds. The integrated electronic conserving device, requires two AA batteries. • Ultra-lightweight and compact, ~ 1.8 kg / 4 lbs filled • Provides 8 hours of oxygen therapy • Electronic and pneumatic conservation models available • Flows up to 6 L/min, 12 flow settings in conserver mode • Flows at 2 L/min in continuous mode • Status indicator lights (Oxygen pulse and Low-battery) • Conforms to CE Norm, TPED type approval MODEL NUMBER Electronic, 20 PSI, Puritan Bennett Pneumatic (dual lumen), 20 PSI, Puritan Bennett

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