Catalog excerpts

A Compendium of Scientific Literature Evidence Supporting the Efficacy and Safety of the SURGICEL® Family of Absorbable Hemostats
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Surgicel® ®Family of of Surgicel ®Family of Surgicel Family Surgicel ®Family of Surgicel Family of Absorbable ®®Hemostats AbsorbableHemostats AbsorbableHemostats Hemostats Absorbable Family of Absorbable Absorbable Hemostats One family. Four products. 50+ years. One family. Four products. 50+ years. One family. Fourproducts. 50+ years. family. products. One family. Four products. 50+ years. One family. Four products. 50+ years. Original Original Original Original Original Original TM Fibrillar™ Fibrillar™ ™ ™ ™ Fibrillar Fibrillar Fibrillar SnowTM Snow ™ Snow™ ™ ™ ™ Snow Snow Snow Nu-Knit®®...
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Table of Contents Cardiovascular/Cardiothoracic Surgery • General Surgery • Obstetric/Gynecologic Surgery •
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Urologic Surgery • Orthopedic Surgery • Plastic Surgery • Health Economics and Outcomes Research • The effect of oxidized regenerated cellulose on experimental intravascular infection
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Cardiovascular/ Cardiothoracic Surgery
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Predictors of neck bleeding after eversion carotid endarterectomy Baracchini C, Gruppo M, Mazzalai F, et al. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2011; 54: 699–705. Objective This paper aimed at identifying predictors for neck bleeding after eversion carotid endarterectomy (eCEA). Methods A prospectively compiled computerized database of all primary eCEAs, performed by the same surgeon, was analyzed. The end point was any neck bleeding after eCEA. SURGICEL® FIBRILLAR™ Absorbable Hemostat was routinely used on the suture line after the internal carotid artery was reimplanted in the common carotid...
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The use of oxidized regenerated cellulose for video-assisted thoracic surgery Tanaka Y, Tane S, Hokka D, et al. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2016; 101: 786–8. Objective This paper examined the possibility of preventing obstruction of surgical view using wound edge protector with oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC) rings for hemostasis at wound surfaces of the access ports during video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Methods Lobectomy and lung wedge or mediastinal tumor resection were performed by VATS. ORC sheets (SURGICEL® Nu-Knit® Absorbable Hemostat) were rolled around the narrow...
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SURGICEL® Nu-Knit® hemostat for bleeding control of fragile sternum Mair H, Kaczmarek I, Oberhoffer M, et.al. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasular Surgery 2005; 130: 605–6. Objective Bone wax has been typically utilized to control bleeding from sternal bone marrow after sternotomy because of efficacy and decreased cost. However, bone wax inhibits osseous fusion and promotes infection. In this case report, the authors describe an alternative technique to control bleeding from sternal bone marrow utilizing SURGICEL® Nu-Knit® Absorbable Hemostat. Methods This case study describes a...
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A novel treatment for pulmonary hemorrhage during thromboendarterectomy surgery Shetty DP, Nair HC, Shetty V, et al. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2015; 99: e77–e8. Objective Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy is the definitive treatment for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in patients at advanced stages of the illness. The authors report on techniques used to detect injury sustained to the pulmonary artery (PA) after performing the endarterectomy and its subsequent treatment using SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat. Method Patient 1 (male, 58 years) was diagnosed with grade IV...
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Comparison of sternal intramedullary bleeding prevention strategies in cardiac surgery Tavlasoglu M, Durukan A.B, Kurkluoglu M, et al. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 2013; 43: 695–9. Objective Postoperative bleeding is a significant complication of open heart surgery and results in increased mortality and morbidity rates. The need for re-exploration also leads to increased health care costs. This prospective, controlled, and randomized clinical study compares the use of bone wax (Bone-wax®, Aesculap Inc., USA), oxidized regenerated cellulose (ORC) (SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat), and...
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Table 1. Comparison of experimental groups by postoperative variables Data are mean ± standard deviation unless specified otherwise. * Kruskal Wallis test; ** chi-square test EC, electrocauterization; ORC, oxidized regenerated cellulose; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; ES, erythrocyte suspension Conclusions Compared to bone wax, ORC is absorbable, expands to the sternal corpus, and demonstrates antimicrobial properties against a wide range of pathogenic organisms. The present study clearly demonstrates that ORC decreases sternal intramedullary bleeding with low risk of infection. Requirements for...
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Clinical experience with the SURGICEL® family of absorbable hemostats (oxidized regenerated cellulose) in neurosurgical applications: A review Keshavarzi S, MacDougall M, Lulic D, et al. Wounds 2013; 25: 160–7. Objective This paper discusses the neurosurgical applications of SURGICEL® Original and SURGICEL® FIBRILLAR™ Absorbable Hemostats. Methods The authors reviewed PubMed literature (search string: (oxidized[Title/Abstract] AND cellulose[Title/Abstract] AND surgery[Title/Abstract]) AND (“humans”[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang]) 83 relevant articles) and described their clinical experience...
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Safety ORCs are generally safe and well tolerated. In accordance with its labeling instructions, SURGICEL Original is suited for use as an adjunct to other conventional methods to control capillary, venous, and small arterial hemorrhage. It is not recommended for the control of large arterial hematomas. Further, since ORCs are plant-derived, there is no risk of viral disease (e.g. human immunodeficiency virus). Conclusions The physical, hemostatic, and bactericidal characteristics of both SURGICEL Original and SURGICEL FIBRILLAR make them a safe and effective adjunct to conventional...
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