Catalog excerpts

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High resolution meets overwhelming acceleration The new IE3 encoder series for disc magnet stepper motors Drive Systems, evolved A FAULHABER drive system is more than just the sum of its components OPTICS & PHOTONICS Reliable eye in the electromagnetic storm DC-MICROMOTORS from FAULHABER ensure precise camera movements in the EMC lab Active contribution to safeguarding the future The FAULHABER location in Schönaich produces on a totally climate-neutral basis Racing to overcome limits FAULHABER drive technology motorises the wheelchair of the HSR team for the Cybathlon competition H U M A N...
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Dear Readers, The coronavirus pandemic has severe consequences for daily life around the world and also presents us in the FAULHABER Group with very serious challenges. We have implemented the maximum preventative health protection measures at all locations of the FAULHABER Group and are working intensively under these con- Publisher / Editor: DR. FRITZ FAULHABER GMBH & CO. KG Schönaich · Germany Phone: +49 (0)70 31/638-0 Fax: +49 (0)70 31/638-100 E-Mail: info@faulhaber.de www.faulhaber.com ditions to fulfil our customer orders. We are especially committed to meeting the needs for the...
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FAULHABER TOOK OVER SALES AND SERVICE IN THAILAND FAULHABER Asia Pacific Pte Ltd © FAULHABER FAULHABER took over sales and service in Thailand from its long-standing sales partner Autoflexible at the start of the year. Going forward, FAULHABER Singapore Pte Ltd will operate under the name FAULHABER Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, thereby emphasising the importance of the region. Effective as of 1 January 2020, FAULHABER Singapore Pte. Ltd changed its name to FAULHABER Asia Pacific Ltd. At this time, FAULHABER also took over sales in Thailand from its long-standing sales artner p Autoflexible....
Open the catalog to page 4
HIGH RESOLUTION MEETS OVERWHELMING ACCELERATION NEW CATALOGUE DRIVE SYSTEMS EVOLVED The extremely high dynamic of large Disc Magnet stepper motors is often also relying on closed p loop control to maximize erformances while limiting power dissipated in the motor. The IE3 encoder is a high quality magnetic encoder which can be combined with a large variety of FAULHABER products from Ø22mm. This encoder is now also available on DM40110R, DM52100N and DM52100R Series. With an extended length of about 13mm this new combination will offer high positioning resolution up to 1024 lines per...
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ACTIVE CONTRIBUTION TO SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE Environmental protection is among FAULHABER’s key values. With the core com etency of the company – the development of high-efficiency drive systems p with ow energy requirements – the technology from FAULHABER is already making l a contribution to responsible and sustainable handling of natural resources. The location in Schönaich recently became one of the first production companies to produce on a totally climate-neutral basis. In partnership with Atmosfair, FAULHABER supplies the local population with highly efficient cookstoves, helping to...
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CO Since 2019 all business trips by plane are climate-neutral. The innovative Save80 stove uses 80% less wood and gives both people and nature a new chance. kg CO2 compensated with Atmosfair Atmosfair project in Rwanda Zertifikat für kompensierte Treibhausgase Dr. Fritz FAULHABER GmbH & Co KG kompensiert am 07.02.2020 mit atmosfair 476.053 kg CO2 Treibhausgase. Was bewirkt Ihr Klimaschutzbeitrag? Mit Ihrem Klimaschutzbeitrag in Höhe von 9.045,00 Euro unterstützen Sie folgendes Projekt: Ruanda: Sie bringen effiziente Öfen in ländliche Haushalte Ruanda ist eines der am dichtesten besiedelten...
Open the catalog to page 7
A FAULHABER drive system is more than just the sum of its c omponents. After all, electric motors, gearheads and encoders are not lone fighters, but must rather work together perfectly. It therefore makes sense to purchase the individual components as a complete s olution. Thanks to perfectly optimised parameters and interfaces, the overall performance of the system increases when one combines the compact, integrated and high-performance drive solutions from FAULHABER with one another. The drive specialist FAULHABER has once again demonstrated its competence as a system provider and has...
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Innovative winding technology for more torque The motors were developed based on the classic external rotor design. Thanks to innovative winding technology and optimised construction, the brushless DC-servomotors produce torques up to 134 mNm within a diameter of 22 mm, 32 mm and 42 mm and deliver a continuous output of up to 100 W with a high level of efficiency. This means the compact motors significantly exceed the standards usual in this drive class. Particularly the ratio of torque to installation space and weight is much better than what is common on the market. Thanks to the high...
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Housed encoder with high positioning accuracy Compact design, wide range of applications All BXT motors are equipped with digital Hall sensors and, thanks to their large number of poles, their speed can be controlled very precisely. The IEF3-4096 agnetic m encoder is available for precise positioning tasks. The encoder is fully integrated in the housed motor variant, thereby increasing the length of the overall drive by just 6.2 mm. Despite of the flat design, it offers three channels with index function, a Line Driver and a high resoluc tion of up to 4,096 lines per revolution. The...
Open the catalog to page 11
Open the catalog to page 12
Wherever there is electrical current, there are always electromagnetic pulses. They can have an extremely disruptive effect, e.g. on the ubiquitous electronic devices that surround us. This is why vehicle manufacturers, among other things, need to verify the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of their products. What's more, the vehicles themselves are packed full of sensitive electronics and are tested in specialised EMC labs. The conditions there are unpleasant for humans. Camera systems are used in order to keep an eye on everything during the tests. mk-messtechnik specializes in such...
Open the catalog to page 13All FAULHABER Drive Systems catalogs and technical brochures
MC 3606B- EN
2 Pages
1228 ... SXR series
2 Pages
1218 ... SXR series
2 Pages
MC 3602 B
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
Series 2233 ... S
2 Pages
Series 2230 ... S
2 Pages
Series 1624 ... S
2 Pages
Series 1516 ... S
2 Pages
Series 1219 ... G
2 Pages
Series 0615...S
2 Pages
2250 ... BX4 IMC RS/CO
2 Pages
2232 ... BX4 IMC RS/CO
2 Pages
Motion Controller MC 3603 S
2 Pages
Linear actuators L series
12 Pages
FAULHABER motion 1/2022
33 Pages
Faulhaber motion 02/2021
28 Pages
The magazine with drive
28 Pages
Drive Systems | 2020-2021
656 Pages
Drive Systems
40 Pages
Power in new dimensions
24 Pages
Series 1506...SR
2 Pages
Series 2657...CXR
2 Pages
Series 1219...G
2 Pages
Series 0816...SR
2 Pages
Series 2619...SR
1 Pages
Serie 1509...B
2 Pages