Series 2657...CXR
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Catalog excerpts

Series 2657...CXR - 1

DC-Micromotors Graphite Commutation 1 Nominal voltage Un Rated values for continuous operation Rated values are calculated with nominal voltage and at a 22°C ambient temperature. The Rh2 value has been reduced by 25%. Note: The diagram indicates the recommended speed in relation to the available torque at the output shaft for a given ambient temperature of 22°C. The diagram shows the motor in a completely insulated as well as thermally coupled condition (Rth2 50% reduced). The nominal voltage (Un) curve shows the operating point at nominal voltage in the insulated and thermally coupled condition. Any points of operation above the curve at nominal voltage will require a higher operating voltage. Any points below the nominal voltage curve will require less voltage. For notes on technical data and lifetime performance © DR. FRITZ FAULHABER GMBH & CO. KG refer to "Technical Information". Specifications subject to change without notice.

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Series 2657...CXR - 2

Dimensional drawing Orientation with respect to motor -0,006 terminals not defined ø4 -0,010 Options Example product designation: 2657W012CXR-275 Option U 158 275 Single Leads Shaft end Ball bearings For motors with single leads (PTFE), length 160 mm, red (+) / black (-) No second shaft end Motor with 2 preloaded ball bearings. Product combination Precision Gearheads / Lead Screws Drive Electronics Cables / Accessories To view our large range of accessory parts, please refer to the MBZ “Accessories” chapter. To view our large range of accessory parts, please refer to the “Accessories”...

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