Modular system Alien & Praxis


Catalog excerpts

Modular system Alien & Praxis - 1

Favero Health Projects Modular system Alien & Praxis Sistemi modulari Alien & Praxis

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 2

FOR 60 YEARS WE’VE INVESTED IN TECHNOLOGY TO INVEST IN PEOPLE DA OLTRE 60 ANNI INVESTIAMO NELLA TECNOLOGIA PER INVESTIRE NELLE PERSONE The secret is to use science and technology intelligently so as to give substance and form to ideas. The secret is to know what you’re doing. La tecnica è l’arte di utilizzare scienza e tecnologia con metodo, per dare sostanza e forma alle idee; la tecnica è l’arte del saper fare. At Favero we have always invested in research, in new design systems and manufacturing technologies so as to improve both the processes and the products themselves, all the while...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 3

DURABILITY IS THE BEST GUARANTEE OF QUALITY RESISTERE ALLA PROVA DEL TEMPO È LA MIGLIORE GARANZIA DI QUALITà Our reputation is built on our relationship with our clients, a relationship that enables us to identify needs and problems and translate them into ideas for development, but also on our obsessive attention to detail and quality which we achieve via stringent testing and certification. La nostra professionalità deriva dal contatto con la clientela, che ci permette di individuare necessità e punti critici per tradurli in idee di sviluppo, e dall’attenzione maniacale agli standard...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 4

PRAXIS - THE MODULAR SYSTEM FOR HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENTS PRAXIS IL SISTEMA MODULARE PER GLI AMBIENTI SANITARI Praxis is a modular technical system for use in healthcare environments designed to fit perfectly into existing spaces. Made from innovative materials, the units in thid line are extremely durable and lightweight. Praxis è un sistema tecnico modulare destinato all’uso in ambito sanitario che si integra perfettamente con gli spazi esistenti. L’utilizzo di materiali innovativi ha reso questa linea ancora più resistente e leggera. A full range of accessories and colours are available...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 5

PRODUCT RANGE LA GAMMA CRITICAL CARE AREAS AREE CRITICHE INTENSIVE CARE AREaS AREE ALTA INTENSITà DI CURA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL AREAS AREE MEDICHE E AMBULATORIALI The Alien wall system is the latest innovation from the Favero Health Projects design team. This line is made from high-performance COATED ALUMINIUM and DuPont™ Corian®. The technology and design of this product range make it absolutely unique. L’innovativa parete Alien, ultima nata in casa Favero Health Projects, è realizzata con materiali dalle altissime prestazioni: alluminio verniciato e DuPont™ Corian®. La tecnologia e...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 7

MAIN FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI DURABILITY RESISTENZA Durability has always been central to the development of all Favero products but it is a particular strength of the Praxis range. The materials used are the most robust on the market and carry the best warrantees. One of the main materials used is aluminium which though light, is both solid and robust. Aluminium also remains stable over time, does not rust and is easy to recycle. LOGISTICS SYSTEM SISTEMA LOGISTICO La resistenza nel tempo è una prerogativa di tutti i prodotti Favero, ma in particolar modo può identificare i...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 8


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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 9

REGISTERED DESIGN - PATENT PENDING DISEGNO REGISTRATO - BREVETTO PROTETTO Doors made from 12 mm DuPont™ Corian® with 4mm glass inserts made from transparent tempered glass Ante e frontali in DuPont™ Corian® sp. 12 mm con specchiature in vetro temperato trasparente sp. 4 mm The units may be equipped with ISO 3394 compliant removable trays Possibilità di attrezzare internamente i moduli con vassoi estraibili ISO 3394 ROBUST ROBUSTO The glass inserts are available transparent or opaque satin La specchiatura è disponibile trasparente o satinata opaca DuPont™ Corian® handle integrated into the...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 10

DuPont™ Corian® is harder than wood. Specially designed saws and blades must be used to cut the sheets into the desired shapes. DuPont™ Corian® è più duro del legno. Le seghe e le frese utilizzate per tagliare le lastre ed ottenere i pezzi desiderati devono avere una potenza sufficiente per la lavorazione di questo materiale. The surfaces can be given either a polished or opaque finish based on requirements. However DuPont recommends a semiopaque finish for optimum durability. La finitura delle superfici può variare da opaca a lucida, a seconda dell’effetto desiderato. DuPont consiglia una...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 13

FEATURES CARATTERISTICHE The hinges designed and manufactured specifically for this line by Favero Health Projects are made from aluminium alloy, rotate to 270° and are adjustable through three axes. They are fitted with a special device which ensures the door always closes perfectly. The attractively shaped DuPont™ Corian® handles are thermoformed and fully integrated into the structure of the door making a single, seamless whole which facilitates thorough cleaning. The handle can be selected in a range of colours to differentiate it from the door and make it more visible. 24 Le maniglie...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 14

FEATURES CARATTERISTIChE SIDES The internal sides are made from diecast aluminium epoxy powder coated in a heat tunnel. The sides are designed with no sharp edges or borders. A highly effective, internationally patented bayonet system is used to attach the sides to the inside of the frame making removal for thorough cleaning and disinfection tool-free and easy. On the inside the sides are fitted with guides for trays and shelves. Le fiancate interne sono realizzate in pressofusione di alluminio, con bordi e spigoli arrotondati. Vengono poi verniciate in tunnel termico con polveri...

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Modular system Alien & Praxis - 16

We have created a working system for Hospital Logistics based on the use of special trays in a variety of heights made from extremely durable plastic. Movable dividers allow for the trays to be organised around the products so as to optimise space and create a logical system for products in use as well as stock. The products are easily identified by the coloured labels attached to each area. A white label on the front of the tray signals a product that may be used while the coloured label on the divider signals a stock product. LOGISTICS SYSTEM SISTEMA LOGISTICO Un sistema operativo di...

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