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XP-endo® Shaper The One to Shape your Success

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Introduction Developments /trends In the last decades, the field of endodontics has seen a large number of developments. Driven by new technologies, the biologic aims of endodontics are more achievable. Today, greater emphasis is placed on less invasive treatments, and on a better appreciation of the need to clean the canal in a 3D fashion, rather than according to the misleading 2D view seen in the typical periapical radiogaph. However, treatment still too often fails, either because of traditional problems like canal transportation, over-instrumentation, extrusion or compaction of debris,...

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Through a constant process of innovation and improvements, FKG has been working to ensure it can offer practitioners instruments capable of meeting all these requirements. With the creation of the exclusive MaxWire® alloy, FKG is bringing two fundamental properties to the forefront: superelasticity and shape memory, with the aim of creating a completely new generation of instruments. Unlike other instruments, these are able to react to variations in temperature and to take on a predetermined shape inside the root canal, at body temperature. Their specific preset shape and their extreme...

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Two technologies combined The XP-endo Shaper is the latest addition to the XP-endo® range. It is a truly innovative broad spectrum shaping instrument which can be used to radically simplify endodontic sequences. It results from the combination of two cutting-edge technologies: ► Made with MaxWire® alloy, like the XP-endo Finisher, it offers remarkable flexibility and fatigue resistance, and the ability to progress within the canals with ease and agility, expanding or contracting according to the canal morphology. With an initial taper of .01, the XP-endo Shaper expands once inside the...

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Booster Tip Six cutting edges for optimal guidance. Starts shaping at minimum ISO diameter 15 to achieve a final diameter of ISO 30 with only one instrument. MaxWire® Technology Superelasticity, extreme flexibility and agility of the instrument. Shape memory principles enabling the instrument to take on a predefined shape at 35°C. Ability to expand within the root canal. MaxWire® Technology

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The MaxWire® and Booster Tip technologies combine to make the XP-endo Shaper a “One File Shaper”. It has the ability to start shaping at ISO diameter 15 and to achieve ISO diameter 30, but also to increase the taper from .01 to at least .04. It allows to reach a final canal preparation of minimum 30/.04 and this with only one instrument. The XP-endo Shaper is the instrument of choice for the treatment of the vast majority of canals. Remarkable benefits Its “snake” shape, superelasticity and extreme flexibility combined with continuous rotation at high speed (800 rpm) and minimal torque...

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Minimal stress applied during treatment The images below show the result of a photoelasticity test. This process is performed on a plastic block as a way to visualise the stress applied by the instruments during canal treatment. The greater the stress, the higher the risk of micro-cracks. Competitor instrument, alternating movement Very high stress in the apical third Competitor instrument, rotary movement High stress in the apical third XP-endo Shaper, rotary movement Low stress in the apical third FKG XP-endo

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Minimal torque The torque is a highly important parameter to take into consideration. Higher torque means the instrument is subject to greater levels of stress, thereby increasing the risk of fracture. The graph below shows the result of a test performed on a plastic block demonstrating the average torque generated by three instruments during canal treatment. The test was performed on a length of 14 mm, along the entire canal. Comparison of the torque generated by the instruments during a test on a plastic block XP-endo Shaper XP-endo Shaper [30/.04] Competing instruments The XP-endo Shaper...

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Excellent debris removal and improved disinfection The XP-endo Shaper has a smaller core than conventional instruments reaching the same final dimensions. This facilitates debris removal, making it more efficient without occluding the dentinal tubules. Additionally, the turbulence generated by the XP-endo Shaper, by its continuous rotation at high speed, keeps debris in the solution limiting the appearance of the smear layer and enhances the penetration of irrigants in all dentinal tubules. Comparison of a 16-mm section from the tip of a conventional instrument and of the XP-endo Shaper...

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Clinical cases Case 1 Case of a canal preparation (ex-vivo) for a maxillary right first premolar prepared to 30/.04 with the XP-endo Shaper then filled with TotalFill® BC Sealer™ and TotalFill® BC Points™. We can see that the original shape of the canal has been perfectly preserved. Radiograph showing the bucco-lingual aspect of the maxillary first premolar Cross-section 1 mm from the apex Cross-section 4 mm from the apex Cross-section 7 mm from the apex Radiograph in bucco-lingual direction and cross-sections of the distal canal. © Dr. Hubert Gołąbek (Poland) and Dr. Martin Trope (USA),...

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Case 2 This case concerns a 62 year old woman presenting a symptomatic pulpitis on the first upper right molar. After preparing a glide path to 15/.02, the canals were instrumented with the XP-endo Shaper to 30/.04 following the instructions for use. The canals were then obturated with TotalFill® BC sealer™ and TotalFill® BC Points™. Case n°2 - Pulpectomy on an first upper right molar instrumented to 30/.04 with XP-endo Shaper © Dr. Kleber K.T. Carvalho (Brazil), All rights reserved

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Pulpectomy made on a first lower right molar. After preparing a glide path, the five canals were instrumented with the XP-endo Shaper. The canals were then cleaned thanks to the XP-endo® Finisher and obturated with TotalFill® BC Sealer™ and TotalFill® BC Points™. Pre-op Post-op: View of mesial canals after instrumentation with the XP-endo Shaper and after obturation. Microscopic view (x12) of 3 mesial canals after instrumentation with the XP-endo Shaper, and cleaning with the XP-endo Finisher Microscopic view (x12) of 3 mesial canals after obturation with TotalFill BC Sealer...

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All FKG Dentaire catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ROOTER X3000

    5 Pages

  2. FGK

    48 Pages

  3. Catalogue 2017

    64 Pages

  4. Race family

    8 Pages

  5. BT-Apisafe

    1 Pages

  6. Catalogue FKG

    42 Pages

  7. Bio Race

    24 Pages

  8. Race

    42 Pages