Catalog excerpts

XP-endo Finisher 3D Generation
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The problem The complexity of the root canal The root canal system is highly complex: it can be oval or C-shaped; the canals sometimes divide; or an isthmus may connect the canals (Dye and Micro CT 3D studies). In the face of such complexity, standard NiTi files are not always up to the task. Despite their flexibility, the files make round shapes only and thus cannot reach certain parts of the canal during treatment. Several studies involving micro CT technologies have shown that, on the whole, when standard NiTi files are used to prepare the root canal, only 45-55 per cent of canal walls...
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Schematic examples of root canal morphology (Oval, caverns, double canal, C, 8, isthmus shape) The complexity in case of a retreatment A retreatment case poses unique problems. In the initial treatment, root filling materials are forced into the canal irregularities. These materials shield microbial infection that should be removed in order to effectively disinfect the canal. Standard NiTi files cannot remove these materials and bacteria particularly if there is a curvature in the canal. “Traditionally, root canal retreatment has been accomplished using solvent and hand files, and recently,...
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The technology The MaxWire® alloy The XP-endo Finisher files are produced using an exclusive FKG alloy, the NiTi MaxWire® (Martensite-Austenite-electropolish-fleX). This material reacts at different temperature levels and is highly flexible. FKG has patented this technology. Shape-memory effect The XP-endo Finisher files are based on the shape-memory principles of the NiTi alloy. The files are straight in their M- phase at room temperature. When the files are inserted in the canal, exposed to the body temperature, they will change their shape due to their molecular memory to the A- phase....
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The expansion capacity Made with this highly flexible NiTi-based alloy, and due to their specific sickle shape, the XP‑endo Finisher files follow the walls of the canal with an improved reach of 6mm in diameter or 100-fold compared to a standard instrument of the same size. Standard Instrument XP-endo Finisher The XP-endo Finisher files are able to treat root canals with highly complex morphologies, from the narrowest to the largest, and from the straightest to the most severely curved canals. Because of their small core size – ISO 25 or ISO 30 in diameter – and their zero taper, the files...
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The solution: 2 Instruments The XP-endo Finisher files enhance treatment outcomes, they should be used after any root canal preparation. XP-endo® Finisher The XP-endo Finisher is dedicated to: ► Clean inner canal walls of all root canal morphologies, especially: - irregular canals, large canals - C-shaped canals, oval canals - isthmuses, furcation canals ► Clean root canal pathology: - internal root resorptions ► Finish the apical part, cleaning apical constrictions and foramens, especially: - open apex of immature roots - wide apex in periapical lesions ► Improve irrigants...
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XP-endo® Finisher Original canal anatomy Dentine The canal (area to be cleaned) Area cleaned Root canal preparation with standard NiTi files Canal partially cleaned. Microbes and dental debris accumulate in the untouched areas. Root canal preparation with standard NiTi files + XP-endo Finisher XP-endo Finisher ideally used following any root canal preparation to achieve an improved cleaning of the root canal while preserving dentine. XP-endo Finisher is incredibly flexible and can expand its reach 6mm in diameter or 100-fold of an equivalent sized file. This is why XP-endo Finisher allows...
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*- A universal NiTi-based instrument measuring ISO 25 in diameter and with zero taper (25/00). ► Available in 21 mm and 25 mm. Unique characteristics «- Mechanical cleaning of the canal in areas previously impossible to reach thanks to its incredible flexibility and capacity to expand. ► Unprecedented resistance to instrument fatigue thanks to its zero taper and the ability of the file to work in mixed M and A phases (exclusive FKG MaxWire® alloy). ► Adaptation to canal morphology and preservation of the dentine. *- Thorough removal of debris. *- Removal of medication from...
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Example canal shape in an artificial tooth Mesial root of a lower molar, cut to 1, 3, 5 and 7mm Group 1: canal before preparation Group 2: canal prepared to size ISO 30/.04 Group 3: canal prepared to ISO 30/.04 and XP-endo Finisher 1 mm © Dr. Gilberto Debelian (Norway), All Rights Reserved
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Adaptation capacity : example in an artificial lower molar 1 Pre-op with pulp. Under preparation with XP-endo Finisher. After preparation with XP-endo Finisher. Looking the root on the L-B direction, the canals are efficiently cleaned thanks to XP-endo Finisher without changing the original shape of the canal. After obturation with TotalFill® BC Sealer™ and TotalFill® BC Points™. © Dr. Gilberto Debelian (Norway), All Rights Reserved
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Clinical case Micro CT of the Distal and Mesial roots of a lower molar instrumented to 35/.04 with standard NiTi files and then after final cleaning with the XP-endo Finisher. Lower Molar Distal Root Lower Molar Mesial Root Pre-op and Post-op NiTi pictures: show debris in the canal and in the isthmus areas. Post-op XP-F pictures: after final cleaning with the XP-endo Finisher, no debris are seen. 3D Micro CT : Canal morphology before instrumentation (green); canal walls touched using a standard NiTi file + XP-endo Finisher (red). © Dr. Gilberto Debelian (Norway) and Dr. Frank Paqué...
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XP-endo® Finisher R Representations of retreatment cases before and after instrumentation with standard NiTi files. After obturation procedure After retreatment procedure Representative micro-CT 3D reconstructions of a maxillary canine with oval-shaped canal after obturation showing the presence of remnants of root canal filling materials (in pink) after retreatment procedures using rotary instruments © Dr Marco Versiani and Dr Ali Keleş, All Rights Reserved Representation of the problematic in a retreatment case before and after instrumentation with standard NiTi files. The 2nd schema...
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