FDR Nano


Catalog excerpts

FDR Nano - 2

How often do you encounter the problem with mobile X-ray in a daily medical situation? FUJIFILM Provides a New Solution with Compact Digital X-ray Cart system for Critical Moments you face everyday. Amazing future with “nano

Open the catalog to page 2
FDR Nano - 3

Patient friendly Quick accessibility Minimum exposure is desirable when taking X-ray images of a new born or infant. Dramatic dose reduction is possible by utilizing FUJIFILM core technology. Medical scene such as Emergency rooms are crowded with equipments and staffs. Freedom of movement is possible with four wheel caster and extremely light weight X-ray cart. Ultra-high sensitivity system Traditional mobile X-ray DR Cassette Radiation dose Noise reduction circuit (NRC) on board Provides a high-contrast image without using a grid Improves image granularity in low-dose imaging Small X-ray...

Open the catalog to page 3
FDR Nano - 4

Maintaining Clean Equipments Combining FUJIFILM core technology of Cassette DR with image processing and compact Digital X-ray cart, we provide a innovation to the workflow of taking X-rays. Medical equipment surface tends to have high risk for transferring germs, and it is essential to maintaining clean equipments in Operation rooms. D-EVO II, and some parts of the FDR nano*, we have applied our antibacterial technology “Hydro Ag” . Cassette DR suitable for mobile exposure *Shot Switch, surface of Operation Panel Virtually created grid (Smart Mobile Workflow) Provide a flexible exam...

Open the catalog to page 4
FDR Nano - 5

Product name Power supply X-ray output 100-240 V AC, Single phase: 50-60 Hz 8-3.3 A Max. rating: 2.5 kW Tube voltage: 40-100 kV Tube current: Max 35 mA X-ray tube Total width 550 mm (excluding handle fix part) Total length Total height Nominal focal spot size 1.2 mm maximum anode heat capacity 35 kJ (50 kHU) Target angle: 16 degree Optional Items High handle kit Added filter Accessory case Apron hanger System Components : Flat Panel Sensor D-EVO II C24 Scintillator Detector external size Weight CsI (Cesium iodide) 328 X 268 X 15 mm (Approx.) [12.9” X 10.6” X 0.6” ] Approx. 1.5 kg [3.3 lbs.]...

Open the catalog to page 5

All FUJIFILM Healthcare catalogs and technical brochures

  1. FDR Go PLUS

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  2. FRD nano

    4 Pages

  3. FDR Smart X

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    2 Pages

Archived catalogs


    3 Pages

  2. SX800

    8 Pages

  3. FDR Go PLUS

    5 Pages

  4. FVS-1000

    4 Pages

  5. FCT Speedia

    7 Pages

  6. Amulet F

    4 Pages

  7. FCRGo2

    3 Pages

  8. RX Evo F

    2 Pages

  9. fcr xg5000

    3 Pages

  10. FCRView

    4 Pages

  11. PRIMA Series

    4 Pages

  12. VELOCITY Tfp

    3 Pages

  13. VELOCITY Ufp

    3 Pages

  14. FCR PRIMA Tm

    3 Pages


    4 Pages


    3 Pages

  17. DRYPIX7000

    4 Pages

  18. DRYPIX Plus

    2 Pages


    3 Pages