Catalog excerpts

DYNASCOPE 8000 Series, DS-8007 System FUKUDA DENSHI Specifications Displayed waveform Electrocardiogram, respiration, pulse wave, invasive blood pressure, CO2, EEG Heart rate / ST / arrhythmia Respiratory rate (impedance respiration) pulse rate, SpO2 (Oxygen saturation) Non- invasive blood pressure (SYS / DIA / MAP ■ cuff pressure, pulse rate) Displayed parameters Body temperature 2 cha™fl= „ u ^ ^ „ Multi- connector:(invasive blood pressurex2, body temperaturex2, COxl)x2 Invasive blood pressure (SYS / DIA / MEAN ■ pulse rate) up to 4 channels Body temperature up to 4 channels (up to 6 channels, including the fixed channels), Cardiac Output Ichannel PI (DS-8007M only), SpCO, SpMet, SpHb, SpOC, PVI (DS-8007M only, option) Respiratory rate (pulse wave analysis)(DS-8007N only, option) <HCP-810, HCP-820 / HPD-810, HPD-820> Concentration of carbon dioxide (EtCO2, InspCO2, respiratory rate) <HBX-800 + BISx module used at the time> Bispectral index (BIS) Suppression Ratio (SR) Electromyograph (EMG) indicator Signal Quality Indicator (SQI) Asystole, Pause, Prolonged RR, Ext Tachy, Ext Brady, Tachy, Brady, SVT, S Frequent, S Couplet, SVPC, Irregular RR, Vf, VT, Slow VT, Run, Triplet, Couplet, 27 Arrhythmia Alarms r on t, Multiform, Vent Rhythm, Bigeminy, Trigeminy, Frequent, VPC, Pacer Not Caputre, Pacer Not Pacing Super Module-Transport Monitor-Bedside Monitor DS-8007 system Display Resolution No. waveform Display waveform time Recording method Recording paper width No.recorded waveform Recording speed Battery operating time Battery charging time Safety Standards EMC 7-inch wide colour 800x480 Pixel (WVGA) 14 waveforms_ 4.1 seconds Thermal recording method 50mm_ charge time of 4 hours Normal charging 8 hours EN60601 -1:2006+A1:2013 EN60601 -1 -2:2007+AC:2010 Vibration resistance Water and Dust Proof Trend time List Time Recall number_ Full Disclosure waveform 12-lead analysis_ Alarm history Power Classification Rated power ■ Related products AC unit Battery pack FUKUDA DENSHI reserves the right to change specifications without notice. FUKUDA DENSHI CO., LTD. Distributed by: 39-4, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8483, Japan Tel: +81-3-5684-1455 Fax: +81-3-3814-1222 www. fukuda. com C € 0086 FUKUDADENSHI Printed in Japan Cat.No.000000®
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clarit y - simplicit y - flexibilit y 7” wide colour Liquid Crystal Display Capacitive touch screen, with auto display configuration. Modular System Total compatability with DS8400 or DS8500 Battery Operation Up to 5 hours of battery life. Critical Care and Anaesthesia Monitoring Systems. Numerical maximum screen Easy menu screen
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