

Catalog excerpts


GAMAIN LEGROS S.A.S. 470 rue Gilles de Gennes BP 8 Zone d’Activites Node Park Touraine 37310 Tauxigny - France Tél. : + 33 2 47 28 18 53 Fax. : + 33 2 47 27 35 85 e-mail : contact@gamain.fr www.gamain.fr 3965 ceiling light recessed in a false ceiling *DPDLQ PRUH WKDQ MXVW D QDPHÖ The reference ! It is recommended to replace the light sources every two years or after 2 500 hours of use. Õ Recessing kit for 3965 Ref. 88950120316 This kit allows to recess Gamain 3965 daylight ceiling into a false ceiling. It offers an alternative to hanging as it preserves genuine lighting qualities of Gamain ceiling lights. Cleaning is made easier, fastenings are blocked out for a perfect integration into your working space. Õ 2YHUDOO GLPHQVLRQV / O + LQ FP Õ ,QWHUQDO ILWWLQJ GLPHQVLRQV / O LQ FP Õ Frame weight: 17 kg Õ Fixing adjustment kit Ref. KBA This kit enables to hang the Gamain 3965 daylight ceiling from existing attachment points. Õ DGMXVWDEOH SRVLWLRQV PP High frequency ballasts : instant lighting and no flickering Between attachment axes in cm: 80 x 34 Illuminated working area in m: 3 x 3 Distance from the worktop in cm: 150 Creation : Studio Mapi ; Photos : Fotolia ; Non contractual document and photos ; Can be modified without notice. March 2012. REQUIRE TRUE DAYLIGHT Õ *DPDLQ 7UXH 'D\OLJKW Õ 9LVXDO FRPIRUW DQG FRORXUV UHVSHFW Õ 3HUIHFW OLJKW WR DQDO\]H WKH GLIIHUHQW FRORXU SDUDPHWHUV VDWXUDWLRQ OXPLQRVLW\ DQG KXH Õ 'XDO LOOXPLQDQW ' GD\OLJKW $ LQFDQGHVFHQW IRU RSWLPDO LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ Õ &RPSOHWH DQG ZHOOEDODQFHG OLJKW DERYH WKH ZRUNLQJ DUHD Õ $EVHQFH RI VKDGRZV Õ 'LVWDQFH IURP WKH JURXQG P Õ ,OOXPLQDWHG DUHD 5 [ P 3965 CEILING LIGHT, DUAL ILLUMINANT

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Relative Energy The specificity of Gamain lightings is their capacity to recreate this daylight thanks to a mix of different light sources. Gamain daylight is characterized by a complete and well-balanced spectral curve that tends to be superposed on the curve of the D65 illuminant as defined by the International Commission of Illumination (CIE). Our brain has been formatted by the natural daylight under which it is the most efficient. In daily working conditions, the visual system uses a quarter of our energy (because of contrast, distance, light colour DGMXVWPHQWV HWF Too often ignored,...

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All Gamain catalogs and technical brochures


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