Catalog excerpts

Simulators for Health Care Education Pediatric HAL® S3004One-Year-Old Pediatric Simulator Simulation Made Easy® Tetherless with wireless communication Fully responsive even while being carried Comprehensive performance feedback Includes Pediatric HAL Simulation Learning Experiences™ scenario package
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Meet Pediatric HAL®, toddler-sized high-fidelity simulator. Pediatric HAL is a high-fidelity toddler patient simulator specifically designed to meet the needs of pediatric care training programs. Pediatric HAL can help your team train to improve teamwork and patient care through scenario-based training. Active eyes Transitions between physiologic states in HAL has blinking eyes with photosensitive HAL’s electrically conductive skin sites response to commands from a wireless pupils. Dilation, reactivity, and blink rate allow the use of real equipment to monitor ECG, pace, cardiovert, and...
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Elevate your training with the all-new UNI® 3 •A djust vitals on-the-fly or automate changes using the included scenarios •U NI 3 powers all PC-controlled Gaumard simulators, making it simpler to operate your different Gaumard models •C reate your own custom scenarios tailored to your learning objectives •M onitor CPR performance metrics in real-time, enhance training with audible cues, and export performance reports •A utomated event tracking ensures important events are always captured so you can focus on the action •U NI 3 is preconfigured on the lightweight control tablet PC included...
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• Physical size of a one-year-old child • Supports common patient positions including Fowler's, supine, and sitting • Joint range of motion • Tetherless and wireless; fully responsive during transport1 • Internal rechargeable battery provides up to 3 hours of tetherless operation2 • Available in light, medium, or dark skin tones at no extra charge • Programmable blinking rate • Active pupillary light reflex • Seizures with selectable intensities • Wireless streaming voice option • 50+ prerecorded speech responses • Anatomically accurate oral cavity and airway • Airway sounds • Programmable...
Open the catalog to page 4All Gaumard catalogs and technical brochures
Gaumard Catalog 2024
292 Pages
Trauma HAL® S3040 Series
8 Pages
HAL ® S3000
4 Pages
Tory™ S2210
8 Pages
Super tory
8 Pages
3 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages