Catalog excerpts

Pediatric HAL® S3005 Five-Year-Old Pediatric Simulator • Simulation Made Easy® • Tetherless with wireless communications • Fully responsive, even during transport • On-the-fly or scenario-based control • ncludes Pediatric HAL® Simulation Learning Experiences™ I scenario package Visit Us Online at w
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Deliver high-quality pediatric simulation-based training with Pediatric HAL®. From nursing to emergency care, Pediatric HAL allows you to train teamwork and patient care skills through hands-on exercises. Pediatric HAL is wireless and tetherless and remains fully functional while being moved from place to place. Realistic airway Supports oral and nasal endotracheal Programmable chest rise and Real-time CPR feedback Realistic chest recoil, visible chest rise intubation and features a tracheostomy respiratory patterns. with PPV, and variable central cyanosis. site for care exercises....
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• Use our preprogrammed scenarios designed by medical professionals. Modify them or quickly create your own • Use our library of preprogrammed physiologic states, modify them, or specify Pediatric HAL’s condition using the Details page • ave each condition as a physiologic state on the palette page S • Control Pediatric HAL using a wireless PC to quickly generate multiple life-threatening situations and track the actions of care providers Includes the new Pediatric HAL® Simulation Learning Experiences™ scenario package. The new Pediatric HAL Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs) package...
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Features General • imulation Learning Experiences™ S scenario package • hysical size of a 5-year-old child P • etherless and wireless; fully T responsive during transport1 • upports common patient positions S including Fowler’s, supine, and sitting • nternal rechargeable battery provides I up to 3 hours of tetherless operation2 • vailable in light, medium, or dark A skin tone at no extra charge • rogrammable blinking rate P • ndependent, active pupillary light reflex I • eizures with selectable intensities S Airway • ireless streaming voice option W • 0+ prerecorded speech responses 5 •...
Open the catalog to page 4All Gaumard catalogs and technical brochures
Gaumard Catalog 2024
292 Pages
Trauma HAL® S3040 Series
8 Pages
Pediatric HAL® S3004
4 Pages
HAL ® S3000
4 Pages
Tory™ S2210
8 Pages
Super tory
8 Pages
3 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages