Catalog excerpts
GE Healthcare Data file 28-9610-75 AB Imaging systems, software, and accessories ImageQuant™ LAS 4000 mini biomolecular imager ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini (Fig 1) is a compact solution designed for sensitive digital imaging of Western, Northern, and Southern blots for the purposes of quantitation and documentation. ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini delivers: • Wide linear dynamic range: Capture and precisely quantitate weak and strong signals over four orders of magnitude in the same image, avoiding time-consuming multiple film exposures. • High resolution: Accurate quantitation of gels and films up to 18 × 12 cm in size. Up to 6.3 Mpixel resolution is achieved via a unique diagonal pixel configuration. • Low noise: The camera is typically cooled to -25°C (maximum -35°C) enabling longer exposure times giving less background, which is especially important for precise quantitation of very weak signals in chemiluminescent Western blotting. • High sensitivity: ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini captures fluorescent and chemiluminescent signals on a Western blot down to picogram levels of target protein. Sensitivity may be increased by binning of up to 8 × 16 pixels. • Uniform quantitation: Distortion, dark frame, and flat frame corrections are applied to each imaging mode for optimal precision. Description ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini is a biomolecular imager for the detection and quantitation of chemiluminescence. Fig 1. ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini biomolecular imager for chemiluminescence is quantitative, with high sensitivity and resolution. The system consists of an intelligent dark box, camera, lens, and an epi-white light source for focusing purposes. Automated iris and focus allows image optimization without having to open the cabinet. Focusing and exposure time are remotely controlled from a computer. High resolution and precise quantitation of low signals are achieved using a multipurpose 16-bit, 3.2 Mpixel camera fitted with a large aperture F0.85 lens. The system responds rapidly when changing settings and focus. The system can be upgraded in your lab with a UV transilluminator for imaging DNA visualized with ethidium bromide (EtBr) or protein stained with, for example, Deep Purple™ Total Protein Stain, and with blue epifluorescence for imaging SYBR™ Green and SYPRO™ Ruby.
Open the catalog to page 1Technical features Sensitive chemiluminescence detection: The system is designed for imaging chemiluminescent Western blotting reagents. The system can be upgraded with a UV transilluminator to handle UV fluorescence imaging of gels stained with EtBr or Deep Purple Total Protein Stain, and upgraded with a blue epi-fluorescence module for imaging SYBR Green, FITC, FAM™, and EGFP. The UV transilluminator can also be used for imaging colorimetricstained samples (e.g., Coomassie™ Blue and silver stain) with the addition of the Pink Calibration Plate GR. Table 1. ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini...
Open the catalog to page 2Imaging applications ImageQuant LAS 4000 mini is a compact imaging platform that can be used for chemiluminescence, optional UV fluorescence, and optional blue fluorescence imaging. Quantitative Western blotting UV fluorescence (312 and 365 nm) A UV Bay Set for fluorescence detection of reagents such as EtBr (Fig 4) and Deep Purple Total Protein Stain as wells as an epi-UV light source for detection of EtBr or QDot are available as upgrades. Sample: Membrane: Detection: Transferrin Hybond™ P ECL Plus Primary antibody: Rabbit anti-human transferrin Secondary antibody: HRP conjugated...
Open the catalog to page 3Imager performance ImageQuant ImageQuant ImageQuant Fluorescence via UV transillumination (312 nm) optional Fluorescence via blue epi-illuminator (460 nm) Fluorescence via green epi-illuminator (520 nm) optional Fluorescence via red epi-illuminator (630 nm) optional Fluorescence via IR epi-illuminator (710 nm) optional optional Gel documentation standard standard epi-white standard epi-white white transilluminator illuminator illuminator Silver, CBB, NBT/BCIP, X-ray film + + + mageQuant LAS 4000 can be upgraded in your lab to to attain the same imaging performance as ImageQuant LAS 4010....
Open the catalog to page 4Ordering information System * For chemiluminescence detection and gel documentation. Includes intelligent dark box, camera head, F0.85 43 mm LAS high sensitivity lens, and white light epi-illumination. Field upgrade including UV transilluminator, Calibration Plate FL (green), EtBr filter, UV trans tray, and 10 gel sheets Pack of 10, for use when imaging gels in UV transmission mode Epi-B Set Blue Epi light (460 nm), Calibration plate FL (green), and Y515 filter UV Epi Light (365 nm), Calibration Plate FL (Green), L41 UV filter White EPI (1) for 4000 mini White epi-illumination source, one...
Open the catalog to page 5For local office contact information, visit GE, imagination at work, and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. Amersham, Cy, CyDye, Deep Purple, ECL, ECL Advance, ImageQuant, and Rainbow are trademarks of GE Healthcare companies. ECL Advance contains Lumigen TMA-6 substrate and is sold under exclusive license from Lumigen Inc. ECL Plus contains Lumigen PS3 substrate and is sold under exclusive license from Lumigen Inc. GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB Björkgatan 30 751 84 Uppsala Sweden CyDye™: This...
Open the catalog to page 6All GE Healthcare Life Sciences catalogs and technical brochures
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