Catalog excerpts
GE Healthcare Life Sciences Data file 29-0201-66 AA Imaging systems, software, and accessories ImageQuant™ LAS 500 is a cooled CCD imager for imaging of chemiluminescent Western blots, fluorescent protein and DNA gel stains and white light imaging of colorimetric stains and markers (Fig 1). ImageQuant LAS 500 offers: • Sensitivity: The imaging technology enables detection of picogram levels of sample with chemiluminescence. • Automatic overlay function: Allows imaging of chemiluminescent samples and colored molecular weight markers. • Speed and simplicity: The camera cools to -25°C in less than five minutes at room temperature and is then ready to run. All imaging tasks are controlled from a touchscreen with intuitive design and easy to use image analysis tools. • Ease of installation: The system is fully installed in a few minutes without a service engineer. Just unpack, power-up and start. • Compact integrated design: Works independently of a dedicated PC and has a small footprint. The system fits neatly on any lab bench and allows effective use of space. • Flexible image storage: Images can be stored on a USB memory stick, on the system, or in a network connection folder. Fig 1. ImageQuant LAS 500 is a fast, easy-to-use system for chemiluminescence, colorimetric and fluorescence image capture. Description ImageQuant LAS 500 system consists of a touchscreen, sample chamber, USB port, camera, and light sources (Fig 2). The 16-bit, 8.3 megapixel CCD camera is fitted with a 30 mm (F1.4) fixed focus lens. The CCD camera is ready for use in minutes and advanced Peltier cooling and binning significantly reduces noise levels both the sensitivity and linearity of the system.
Open the catalog to page 1ImageQuant LAS 500 is a practical and affordable solution to individual researchers or laboratories that perform routine imaging or need extra imaging capacity to supplement existing imaging equipment or darkroom use. The 30 × 28 cm footprint has the same area as typical laptop computer which allows the imager to fit neatly on almost any lab bench without the need to connect ancillary equipment. Fluorescence filter Cabinet door Sample tray Simple workflow Power switch Fig 2. ImageQuant LAS 500 is easy to install, is ready to capture images in five minutes and has intuative software. The...
Open the catalog to page 2Fig 4. The main menu displays the capture methods and has automatic exposure (Auto) as default. If the sample has a colorimetric marker, then tick the Colorimetric marker check box . exposure time to give the highest possible signal without saturating the image to allow accurate quantification of the sample. The exposure time can be adjusted manually by the operator for additional images if fine-tuning of the results is ü desired. If a chemiluminescent sample has a colorimetric marker, tick the Colorimetric marker check box (Fig 4). When the box is ticked, three image files are created: a...
Open the catalog to page 3Sample: Membrane: Blocking: Primaryantibody: Secondary antibody: Detection: Imaging: Imaging method: Limit of detection (LOD): Dynamic range (DR): Analysis: Two-fold dilution of transferrin from 5 ng to 2.4 pg Amersham Hybond™-P Amersham ECL Prime Blocking Agent in 2% PBS-T Rabbit anti-transferrin (1:3000) HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (1:30 000) Amersham ECL Prime ImageQuant LAS 500 Chemiluminescence 4.9 pg 3.0 orders of magnitude ImageQuant TL v8.1 software Fig 6. Evaluation of dynamic range and limit of detection. Detection of chemiluminescent signals with Image Quant LAS 500 in a...
Open the catalog to page 4X-ray film Deep Purple Integrated intensy Sample: Membrane: Blocking: Primary antibody: Secondary antibody: Detection: Imaging: Analysis: Two-fold dilution of HeLa cell lysate starting at 5 µg Amersham Hybond-P Amersham ECL Prime Blocking 2% in PBS-T Rabbit anti-ERK 1/2 (1:10 000) HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (1:100 000) Amersham ECL Select ImageQuant LAS 500 using chemiluminescence, 5s exposure Amersham Hyperfilm ECL, ImageScanner™ III, 5s exposure ImageQuant TL v8.1 software Fig 8. Comparison of dynamic range between ImageQuant LAS 500 and X-ray film. Amersham ECL Select detection of...
Open the catalog to page 5Technical features DNA stain imaging Electrophoretic separation of DNA is a common technique that is typically used for analysis of vector cleavages, and verification of successful PCR. Traditionally, ethidium bromide (EtBr) has been used for visualizing DNA, but the carcinogenic property of the compound has resulted in development of a number of alternative DNA stains. One safer alternative to EtBr is to use SYBR Green. Figure 10 shows staining of a pGEX vector with SYBR Green (A) and MassRuler™ DNA ladder with EtBr (B). Table 1. ImageQuant LAS 500 specifications. Cooling time Light source...
Open the catalog to page 6Ordering information " For chemiluminescence detection and gel documentation. Includes intelligent dark box, camera head, F1.4 30 mm LAS high sensitivity lens, and white and UV light Accessories included Code no. White insert for gels or membranes with 1 29-0050-69 colorimetric markers and stains Orange filter (560LP) for detection 1 29-0050-68 AC power cord (For North America) 1 80-6480-33 AC power cord (For Europe) 1 19-2448-01 IQTL 8.1, node locked license* 29-0007-37 QTL 8.1, 5x1 node locked license* 28-9236-62 * Optional, sold separately.
Open the catalog to page 7For local office contact information, visit GE, imagination at work, and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. Amersham, Deep Purple, ECL Prime, ECL Select, Hybond, ImageScanner, ImageQuant, Kilobase, and Rainbow are trademarks of GE Healthcare companies. Coomassie is a registered trademark of ICI plc. SYBR is a trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc. MassRuler is a trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. ©2012 General Electric Company —All rights reserved. First published April 2012. GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB Björkgatan 30 751 84 Uppsala...
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