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SWAN - 1

SWAN Brain Imaging See brain vasculature in exquisite detail in one quick, easy scan. The SWAN technique combines a unique 3D T2*-based multiecho acquisition with a special reconstruction algorithm. Several echoes are read out at different TE times and then combined as a weighted average, compiling magnetic signature of a whole range of tissues with varying degrees of T2* contrast. SWAN’s multi-TE approach is inherently less affected by the chemical shift, virtually eliminating image blurring typical in single-TE T2* acquisitions. The end result is a clear, sub-millimeter-resolution 3D with significantly enhanced susceptibility information and greatly increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on both 1.5T and 3.0T field strength systems. More tissue contrast and tissue bandwidth1 SWAN captures a broad spectrum of contrast characteristics specific to a wide range of tissue components. More signal SWAN generates as much as 2-4 times more SNR than a singleecho T2* acquisition – a GE MR exclusive. Less scan time Simple to use, robust and time-efficient, the SWAN sequence can be further accelerated by GE ASSET parallel imaging. Highresolution 3D acquisition of the whole brain typically takes as little as 3-4 minutes, considerably less time than most other T2*-based techniques. Compared to conventional single-TE readout techniques. Courtesy of Beneficencia Portuguesa, Brazil With the GE-exclusive SWAN (T2 Star Weighted ANgiography) technique, you can visualize and clearly delineate small vessels and microbleeds, as well as large vascular structures, and iron or calcium deposits in the brain. 3D SWAN acquired axially on Signa* HDxt 3.0T system with coronal and sagittal reformats. can: With SWAN, you els and large alize major vess V • isu structures vascular rately image and accu ds R • eproducibly els and microblee vess delineate small posits in tissue d calcium de ages with • Assess iron an rate exquisite im onsistently gene C • acquisition and n, robust this push-butto ithm nstruction algor automatic reco solution ain in 3D high re ole br I • mage the wh minutes in as little as 3-4 nt te, more confide ake more accura M • in patients with oses differential diagn d rebrovascular an ain hemorrhages, ce ses, traumatic br ea ischemic brain dis alformations, nous m injuries, arteriove variety diseases and a urodegenerative ne of

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SWAN - 2

SWAN Brain Imaging 3.0T Courtesy of Prof. Oppenheim, Hospital Sainte-Anne in Paris, France Courtesy of LMU Muenchen, Germany This developmental venous anomaly is clearly seen on the SWAN image on the right, but undetectable on the GRE image on the left. (Note: Black spot is an air bubble remaining from surgery.) Acquired on Discovery* MR750 3.0T. Courtesy of Prof. Oppenheim, Hospital Sainte-Anne in Paris, France Courtesy of LMU Muenchen, Germany Cavernoma is clearly delineated on SWAN images (right) but only partially visible on the T2* images on the left. Acquired on Signa* HDxt 1.5T....

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