Group: Geratherm
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Test Monitor Pregnancy & Ovulation Test Eject Button After you have read the result, press the eject button on the monitor to remove the test stick. Press Button foil wrapper Ovulation Test foil wrapper Pregnancy Test Test Stick INTRODUCTION Geratherm® digital duo pregnancy and ovulation test can be used at home for self-testing purpose. It includes a reusable test monitor with LH and HCG test sticks packed in foil wrapper separately. The monitor is an electronic testing device with an LCD display which shows you the test result. INTENDED USE Geratherm® digital duo can test both ovulation and early pregnancy. It can test ovulation ZLWK/+WHVWVWLFNVÀUVWDQGWKHQWHVWSUHJQDQF\ZLWK+&*WHVWVWLFNVWRXQGHUVWDQGZKHWKHU you are pregnant or not. The monitor can distinguish type of test automatically by inserting the test stick. The test result will be given by the LCD display. LIMITATIONS IN USE • Do not remove the test stick from the foil wrapper until you are ready to use it. • After opening the test stick foil wrapper, use the test stick straight away. • The test stick is not reusable. • Do not use the monitor and test sticks after the expiration date. • Avoid excessive liquid intake 2 hours before you are ready to test. Ovulation Test %HIRUHFRQGXFWLQJWKHWHVWNLQGO\UHDGWKLVOHDÁHWDWWHQWLYHO\ Attentions for the ovulation test: • Test around the same time every day. • 'RQRWWDNHWKHÀUVWXULQHWRWHVWRYXODWLRQDIWHUDORQJHVWVOHHS • Reduce the liquid intake approximately 2 hours prior to testing. • Do not urinate for at least 2 hours prior to testing. • This ovulation test is not suitable for women who have Endocrine system diseases such as ovarian cysts or who take hormones or steroids. • Ovulation testing can begin after stopping the use of contraceptive pills for two months. • Before applying urine for testing, the test stick must be inserted into the test monitor correctly. • Avoid holding the test with the absorbent tip facing upwards. Test errors :KDWLWPHDQV Error occurs during testing. Action: $OOWKHV\PEROVNHHSÁDVKLQJ7KHUHDVRQFRXOGEHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ of too much or too little urine. You should repeat the test with a new test stick. Following the instructions strictly will help you to avoid the errors. 1. How can Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test help me get pregnant? During each menstrual cycle, there are only a few days when pregnancy is possible, including the day of ovulation and the days leading up to it. Knowing your fertile days can enhance the chances of conceiving. Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test tracks luteinizing hormone /+ WRGHWHFW3HDN)HUWLOLW\ZKHQWKHUH¶V an LH surge. Having intercourse on Peak Fertility days maximizes the likelihood of getting pregnant. Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test is over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge. If your cycles vary, use the shortest cycle over the last 6. If unsure of your cycle length, wait for one cycle and note its length. Prepare the test Take LH test stick and remove it from the foil wrapper. Use the test stick straight away. Before applying urine for testing, the test stick must be inserted into the test monitor correctly. Follow the steps below. Make sure LH symbol on test stick faces up and aligns with the monitor display. Find an arrow on test stick near LH symbol. Insert the LH test stick into the monitor until fully locked and you will IHHODࡐFOLFN´DQGKHDUDEHHSVRXQG$OO V\PEROVZLOOEULHÁ\ÁDVKRQHE\RQH Before doing the test wait for a steady LH symbol on the display accompanied by a beep sound. LH Choose testing method With steady LH symbol showing on the display place the absorbent tip: in your urine stream for at least 10 seconds. H Take care not to get test monitor wet. in a collected urine sample for at least 20 seconds. Collect your urine in a clean, dry container. Throughout testing never hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing upwards. :DLW $IWHUWKHDEVRUEHQWWLSRIWHVWVWLFNLVVDWXUDWHGZLWKXULQHOD\WKHPRQLWRURQDÁDWVXUIDFH ZLWKWKHGLVSOD\IDFLQJXS7KHPRQLWRUZLOOEHHSDQGWKH/+V\PEROZLOOÁDVKWRVKRZWKH test is working. Tips: 1. After the absorbent tip of test stick is saturated with urine, it may take LH IHZVHFRQGVIRUWKH/+V\PEROWRVWDUWÁDVKLQJ 2. Do not eject the test stick while waiting for the result or move the monitor. As soon as your test sticks have been used up, then you can buy Geratherm® digital duo Refill Pack Ovulation Test and test with the same monitor. 0\UHVXOWLVࡐ/+´:KDWVKRXOG,GR" An LH+ test result shows you should ovulate in the next 24-36 hours, and you have UHDFKHG\RXUPRVWIHUWLOHSHULRG,W¶V\RXU best chance of getting pregnant. To determine the testing day, you need to know your cycle length, which is the total QXPEHURIGD\VIURP'D\ ÀUVWGD\RIIXOOEOHHGLQJ XSWRDQGLQFOXGLQJWKHGD\EHIRUH your next period starts. Tips: 1. The test result will be shown on the LCD display for about 60 minutes after test. 2. The result of your test can only be read on the LCD display, you cannot determine your result from any lines that you see on the test stick. 3. Once you have read your result, please eject the test stick and store the monitor for next test. 4. The test stick is not reusable. Do not re-insert a used test stick. 5. Dispose of the used test stick acc. to local regulations. 0\UHVXOWLVࡐ/+´:KDWVKRXOG,GR" It means no LH surge detected. Small chance of getting pregnant. Please use a new test stick to do the test again at the same time tomorrow. Eject the Test Stick Read your result In 5 minutes, the display will show your result accompanied by a beep sound. LH - : Not Ready For Pregnancy Yet See Q2 for more information. LH +: Best Chance of Getting Pregnant for 36 Hours. See Q3 for more information. :KDWLI,GRQ·WVHHࡐ/+´LQDF\FOH" If Peak Fertility is not observed, it could be due to a low LH surge or a missed test around that time. Ovulation may not have occurred in this cycle. While this is not unusual, if it happens for 3 cycles in a row, we recommend consulting your doctor. 5. Can medications or conditions affect results? Medical conditions: Misleading results may occur if you are pregnant, recently pregnant, in menopause, have impaired liver/kidney function, or have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Medication: Before testing, always read WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQVIRUDQ\ medication you are taking. Misleading results may occur if taking fertility drugs with LH or human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or antibiotics containing tetracyclines. Recently stopped hormonal contraception: If you recently stopped using hormonal contraception, your cycles may be irregular. It is advisable to wait for 2 cycles before testing. Age-related recommendations: If you DUHXQGHU\HDUVDQGKDYHQ¶WEHFRPH pregnant, we recommend seeing your GRFWRUDIWHUPRQWKV,I\RX¶UHRYHU years, consult your doctor after 6 months without pregnancy, and immediately if you are over 40. Dispose of according to local regulations. Caution: Device contains batteries, do not disassemble device, recharge or dispose of EDWWHULHVLQÀUH&RQWDLQVVPDOOSDUWV'RQRW eat any component of this device. If accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention. Performance Characteristics Accuracy: A multicenter clinical evaluation was conducted, comparing the Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test to another commercially available LH test for urine membranes. The urine study included 100 samples, and ERWKWHVWVLGHQWLÀHGQHJDWLYHDQG positive results. The results demonstrated an overall agreement of 100% (for an accuracy of >99%) for the Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test compared to the other urine membrane LH test. 6HQVLWLYLW\DQG6SHFLÀFLW\ Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test, conforming to the WHO Third International Standard, detects LH at concentrations of 25 mlU/ml or higher. The addition of NORMAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS • Suited for indoor use. • Usage temperature from 5°C to 40°C. • Maximum relative humidity 80%. SPECIFICATION • Power source: DC 3V • Storage Condition: 39°F-86°F (4°C-30°C), 0-80%RH, 800-1060hPa • Product Shelf Life: 18 months • Test stick period of validity: See package STORAGE OF THE MONITOR AFTER USE • Eject the test stick and store the monitor DIWHUÀQLVKLQJWKHWHVW • Store the monitor in a cool and dry place. Do not freeze it. )6+ PO8PO DQG76+ ѥO8PO showed no cross-reactivity with negative (10 mlU/ml LH) samples. How Geratherm® digital duo ovulation test works: The test works by detecting a surge in a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. The LH surge typically occurs about 24-36 hours before the release of an egg from your ovaries, a process known as ovulation. Your peak fertility happens on the day when your LH surge is detected and the following day. Your two most fertile days start from the moment WKHWHVWLGHQWLÀHV\RXU/+VXUJH
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