Catalog excerpts

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OBJECTIVES > REDESIGN your silhouette > TONE abdominals > REDUCE orange-peel aspect > SMOOTH skin’s texture > R E J U V E N AT E c o m p l e x i o n > SLIM AND SHAPE thighs : the slimming revolution In cooperation with our partner DMS Group, proven experts in the medical diagnostic imaging field, we are pleased to present "CELLISS", an innovative body contouring device that doesn’t even need a therapist to fight Cellulite and help to reduce weight. This completely unique slimming machine based on a new treatment method, Cellumassage, relies on the patented “Total Slimming System” (T.S.S.)...
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Gharieni CELLISS brings a “whole” new approach to slimming treatments. The “Total Slimming System” (T.S.S.) technology allows CELLISS to treat “whole” zones at the same time. With our sophisticated intuitive software tool, operators have access to personalized programs adaptable for each client’s individua
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The Cellumassage method, featured on the CELLISS, provides the ONLY solution capable of treating a significant surface of the body, simultaneously. The adjustable and adaptable aspiration/ percussion cycle, with variable intensities and speeds, massages the skin and muscles in three dimensions. The Gharieni CELLISS optimizes treatment goals through the complete, “whole” approach of its treatment programs. Stimulating and treating such a large zone at the same time makes the overall effect of the treatment more efficient. Orange-peel is reduced, skin radiance and firmness are improved, the...
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H OW D O E S I T WO R K ? 1 The aspiration stretches and moves skin giving a ‘lightness’ sensation. 2 he percussion triggers a mechanical shockwave and compresses fat, T while stimulating the body’s natural detoxification process. 3 he combination aspiration/percussion over such a large surface T at the same time optimizes the treatment’s effect
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METHOD & EFFECTS MECHANICAL PERCUSSION skin skin nozzle nozzle piston piston The adipocytes are removed and stretched by the waves of mechanical aspiration. The adipocytes are disunited highly compressed by the waves of mechanical percussion.
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The TSS (Total Slimming system) is the DNA of the Gharieni Celliss. 96 pistons – each one 3 cm (1.2 in) – take action on the adipose and muscular tissues of the buttocks, abdominals or hips with a series of noninvasive aspiration/percussion movements, whose intensity and speed can be adjusted. This unique process is controlled by the Celliss software. The combination of aspiration and percussion effects on a large stimulated area is the foundation of the Cellumassage. Sessions typically last 30 minutes. According to the goals and the programs selected during the diagnostic phase, the...
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38 years old - 73 kg (160 lbs) - BMI 27,5 N° of sessions: 28 Program(s) used: Anticellulite/Slimming/Firmness Belly -11,9 cm (-4.7 in) Hips -10,4 cm (-4.1 in) Right thigh -6 cm (-2.4 in) Left thigh -5,9 cm (-2.3 in) 32 years old - 58 kg (128 lbs) - BMI 21,1 N° of sessions: 10 Program(s) used: Anticellulite Right thigh -2,5 cm (-0.98 in) Left thigh -2,4 cm (-0.94 in)
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Reduce subcutaneous fat and improves appearance of the skin Stretch mechanically fibroblasts boost production of skin proteins, improve firmness & tonicity Clears the pressure and restores optimal flow on the vascular and lymphatic systems Prepare muscles and provide recovery
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An exceptional slimming technology designed for comfort and efficiency The Gharieni CELLISS is a powerful tool designed to meet the requirements of tomorrow’s spa / beauty / wellness centers. With an exceptionally luxurious and contemporary design featuring delicate and soft-touch materials as well as neutral and warm colors, CELLISS naturally integrates into relaxing, zen spaces. The design was elaborated taking into consideration space constraints, but not compromising on comfort or treatment efficiency. O N E TO U C H T E C H N O LO GY TO ENHANCE PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE Via the intuitive...
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Return on Investment Treatment length Daily revenue Weekly revenue Monthly revenue Investment Gharieni CELLISS: 49.500 € Investment recouped (in month): 5,5 Surplus income after one year: 58.500 € Surplus income after 5 years: 490.
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Moers, Germany | Sales + Showroom // Gharieni Group GmbH • Gutenbergstr. 40 • D-47443 Moers Moers, Germany | Distribution + Service // Gharieni Group GmbH • Am Schürmannshütt 24 • D-47441 Moers Tel: +49 - (0) 28 41 - 88 300 - 0 • Fax: +49 - (0) 28 41 - 88 300 - 333 • www.gharieni.de • info@gharieni.com Ettlingen, Germany // Gharieni Süd GmbH • Siemensstr. 11 • D-76275 Ettlingen Tel: +49-(0)72 43-33 22-363 • Fax: +49-(0)72 43-33 22-391 • ettlingen@gharieni.com Nederweert | BeNeLux // Gharieni Nederland BV • Hulsenweg 14 • NL-6031 SP Nederweert Tel: +31 (0) 495 - 63 30 36 • Fax: +31 (0) 495 -...
Open the catalog to page 12All Gharieni Group catalogs and technical brochures
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