Catalog excerpts
Lancing Device Advanced lancing device for finger and alternative site testing ^^F^^F MedlCcM Market Corporation Features & Benefits 5 settings to allow customization of lancet penetration. • Lancet ejector no need to touch the lancet to remove it and dispose it. • Ergonomie design • Reduced pain thanks to the linear tracking system. • Reduced noise the carrier is provided with two springs and a stopper which reduce the noise when shooting the lancet. working with most lancets available in the market. • Optional clear tip for alternative site testing designed in order to reduce the pain and favor the achievement of proper blood sample. GMMC - Room No. 1112. Ace Tower 9th Bldg, 345-30, Kasan Dong, Kumchon-Ku, Seoul, South Korea ¡ - Diabetes Products
Open the catalog to page 1Sterile Lancets Safety Lancets Single-use lancets designed for capillary blood sampling Features & Benefits • Sterile: gamma ray sterilization. • Single use to eliminate cross-contamination. • Reduced pain thanks to the tri-bevel point. • Complete range of needle. Features & Benefits • Ergonomie design. • Pressure-activated type. • Less painful. Lanzo SL Super - Green glucose, HbAlQ Cholesterol, Haemoglobin testing and Lanzo SL Normal - Orange glucose, HbAlC, Cholesterol, Haemoglobin testing. Lanzo SL Comfort - Yellow glucose, HbAlC, Cholesterol, Haemoglobin testing. Lanzo SL Lite - Blue...
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