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Catalog excerpts

Hemodialyzer - 1

GUANGDONG BAIHE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Tel: + 8 6 - 7 5 7 - 8 1 2 0 7 3 0 0 + 8 6 - 7 5 7 - 8 1 2 0 7 3 0 2 Fax: + 8 6 - 7 5 7 - 8 1 2 0 73 11 Email: a b l e @ b a i h e me d ica l.co m Website: w w w. b a i h e m e d ica l.co m No. 89, Taoy ua n Ea s t R o a d , N a n h a i , F o s h an,Guangdong P rovi nce,P.R .C .

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Hemodialyzer - 2

HAEMODIALYSER LOW FLUX (POLYETHERSULFONE) HIGH FLUX (POLYETHERSULFONE) In Vitro performance data/technical date In Vitro performance data/technical date A40 Ultrafiltra tion Coeff . ( m L/ hx m m Hg) Remarks: In Vitro Performance: QD=500 ml/min;QF=10 ml/min, T=37℃ (EN1283,ISO8637) Ultrafiltration coefficients: Bovine plasma, TP=60g/L±5g/L, TMP=10mm Hg Membrane Quantity ID (μm) Wall Thickness (μm) Effective Length (mm) Effe ctive Su rface( m 2) Pressure Drop ( mmHg) Primin g Vo lume ( m L) Ma ximu m TMP( m m Hg) Blo od Flo w Rate ( m l/ m in) Test conditions Ultrafiltration coefficients...

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All Guangdong Baihe Medical Technology catalogs and technical brochures

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  2. DX series

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  3. PICC

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